Miscellany 1-23

January 23, 2015

In a story here on January 21st, it was noted that the administrative law judge was denying the request of the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy to subpoena DNR and PCA witnesses for a hearing on the Sandpiper (“KXL Lite”) pipeline application. The story mentions that the DNR and the PCA were not parties to […]

Making a record at the Public Utilities Commission

January 21, 2015

Update: January 28th: According to informed sources, the ALJ did not reverse himself and allow the subpoenas to issue. However, the DNR has apparently asked to testify, but the MPCA has not. It would be very interesting to know the communications that took place between the DNR and the MPCA, on the one hand, and […]

Miscellany on MLK Day

January 19, 2015

Spitting in Martin’s eye

Bloomington Ten exonerated!

January 18, 2015

On charges of “crimes against shopping”

Miscellany 1-17-15

January 17, 2015

It frequently happens that an interesting item will come along that I would like to comment on or provide a link to, but it isn’t material for a whole story. That’s where the idea of Miscellany was born. It won’t be an aggregator, exactly, and I won’t do it with any predictable regularity. Each issue […]

Are we marching to anywhere?

January 13, 2015

[See the updates below] Since this is a mostly-Minnesota website, and since I am a little conflicted about the meaning of the whole thing myself, I hadn’t planned to write about the massacre in Paris (because that it was it was) and the follow-up shooting at a kosher market that took additional lives (that was also […]

The car salesman from Crown gets his feelings hurt

January 9, 2015

Hey Kurt, where the hell is my road?

Jon Tevlin headlines Drinking Liberally!

January 9, 2015

On Thursday evening, January 15th, Star Tribune columnist Jon Tevlin will be our guest at Drinking Liberally at the 331 Club in Minneapolis. As readers of the Strib know, Jon writes provocative and always entertaining columns about interesting characters and events in Minnesota. And here’s your chance to hear him talk a little more about […]

Is Bloomington a company town?

January 6, 2015

Or do #BlackLivesMatter?

The car salesman from Crown

December 30, 2014

You want the undercoating, right?

They shall serve as examples for all to see

December 26, 2014

The words of Bloomington city attorney Sandra Johnson still ring in my ears: “It’s important to make an example out of these organizers so that this never happens again,” Johnson said. “It was a powder keg waiting for the match.” If you go to the Bloomington website, you will see a note that the police […]

Inspector Javert

December 24, 2014

In the last story about the MOA Black Lives Matter rally on the 20th, I suggested that Bloomington city attorney Sandra Johnson was the protagonist in a Greek tragedy, doomed by circumstances, but obsessed to carry on in the face of a fate that was obvious to everyone but her. That metaphor was completely wrong. She isn’t a tragic […]