Mourning opportunities lost

November 18, 2014

Blowing the Golden Age

Let’s show our schools some love

November 10, 2014

With the midterm elections behind us, along with a local school board election that saw a geometric rise in spending, it might seem an inopportune time to discuss education policy. Then again, outside the odd hyperbole and coded language of campaigns may be just the right time and place to step back for a clearer […]

For those of you II

November 9, 2014

I don’t like ranked choice voting. I suggested a couple of days ago that RCV, as it is known to its pals, might well have elected Dan Severson Secretary of State. I think there is an excellent chance it would have. On the heels of the election, the executive director of FairVote Minnesota issued a […]

There’s got to be a democracy in here somewhere

November 8, 2014

Republicans are praising the smear jobs performed by the Minnesota Jobs Coalition and the Minnesota Action Network: GOPers are praising the work of House GOP caucus campaign staff, the Minnesota Action Network and the MN Jobs Coalition for House wins. — Michael Brodkorb (@mbrodkorb) November 5, 2014 It put me in mind of a little […]

For those of you

November 5, 2014

Who think statewide ranked-choice voting is such a really good idea


Voting and challenges

November 3, 2014

Elbows and knees under the voting basket


Comment on Dan (“Doc”) Severson

October 30, 2014

Reader Alan left this comment on Dan Severson’s Brave New World of Voting II: I was surprised in listening to a small part of the debate that Severson is capable of sounding somewhat reasonable if he wants to. Based on all the ridiculous things he’s on the record saying, I thought we’d hear more of […]

Dan Severson’s Brave New World of Voting II

October 29, 2014

Dividing voters into equal and really equal ones

Political Endorsement Night at Drinking Liberally

October 27, 2014

Who do you think ought to be elected?

No Honor in Racism Rally

October 26, 2014

It matters to the Native American peoples

It’s beginning to look a lot like Thugmas!

October 25, 2014

Yeah, nice lil’ county ya got dere. Shame if sumptin’ happin ta it. So wacher moufs.

Dan Severson’s Brave New World of Voting

October 23, 2014

Republican Secretary of State candidate Dan Severson has obviously taken too many hard carrier landings. It’s causing him to hallucinate about voter fraud. Here’s Severson talking about the race: In his campaign, Severson has repeatedly said he believes there is fraud in Minnesota’s election system and that election protection is key. Once a backer of […]