Uh, Minnesota, about that bag you’re holding, part two

February 25, 2014

Last time, I promised more information about the State of Minnesota’s gaping holes in its regulatory scheme for sulfide mining. I hinted at one of them: inadequate provision for protecting the public — not just the state — from the harm of mining activity. Before continuing, however, I feel compelled to point out some of the vessels […]

Uh, Minnesota, about that bag you’re holding

February 24, 2014

It’s really two bags

Lots of Shareholder Value

The Weekly Wrap 2-23

February 23, 2014

♣ Another Minnesota legislator has announced her retirement: Longtime Republican state Rep. Mary Liz Holberg, a conservative leader on privacy, budget and other issues, announced Saturday morning that she would not run for a ninth term. Holberg represented house district 58A, centered in Lakeville. 58A is an R+11 district according to hPVI, so most of […]

Collin Peterson

NRCC sends Collin Peterson a message

February 21, 2014

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has been sending Collin Peterson a message for months now. The message they’ve been sending goes something like “Please don’t run for congress again… pretty please!” This is the first time though that their message is taking on the form of a poll. The Tarrance Group (2/7, no trend […]

The Manchurian Candidate

February 18, 2014

Bringing the Broad message of “maximum disruption”

Al Franken

Al Franken is also the subject of a poll

February 18, 2014

Yesterday I wrote about the numbers that concern Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton in a hot new poll. Today, the day after yesterday, I write about the numbers concerning United States Senator from Minnesota, Al Franken. Numbers from the same hot new poll, only a it’s now a little less new and a little less hot. […]

How did this happen?

February 17, 2014

In Whatever’s wrong . . . , I suggested to Mayor Chris Coleman — who’s urging the teachers not to strike — to look at staffing levels for teachers, nurses, counselors and librarians and ask, “How did this happen?” Here’s a hint, Mr. Mayor: Perhaps some people like it that way. It furthers the school privatization agenda. […]

Gov. Mark Dayton

Mark Dayton keeps on keeping on

February 17, 2014

Despite what seemed like a three month or so period of non-stop bad news for Mark Dayton’s administration; from the sorry state of affairs at MNSure, to campaign finance violations, to issues involving the criminality of the Wilfs, voters approval of his job in office have not changed. In fact, they’ve ticked up slightly. Mason-Dixon […]

Whatever’s wrong . . .

February 16, 2014

It’s the teachers’ fault!

US Net Change Map

The Weekly Wrap 2-16

February 16, 2014

♣ The Republican Minority Leader of the Minnesota House, Kurt Daudt, will not get a free pass to endorsement this year: Oak Grove Mayor Mark Korin said today that he has filed the campaign paperwork and will seek the GOP endorsement. Korin is serving his fourth year as mayor of Oak Grove and runs an […]

Pile of Cash

Money Graphs

February 14, 2014

In which the author has fun with graphs (and maps!) of money

Brad Moore: We are not a shell!

February 13, 2014

The PolyMet exec delivers the valedictory remarks