Talk to the experts!

January 25, 2014

But who are these experts, anyway?

Drinking Liberally on January 23rd

January 20, 2014

An event featuring great music & information about sulfide mining in Northern Minnesota

Begging your pardon, Tom

December 17, 2013

Says the Black Swan

Puppet on a string

December 3, 2013

I’m Your Puppet! sings PolyMet

Pathological liars

November 26, 2013

Glencore/Xstrata? Never heard of ’em!

Betsy Hodges

The Weekly Wrap 11-9

November 9, 2013

It’s been a few weeks since I did The Wrap™, having been distracted by new polls the last two weeks. But The Wrap™ returns, to do it’s Wrapy thing once again and all of Minnesota Politicoland rejoices. ♣ First off, the unofficial election results from the elections on Tuesday in Minneapolis that had to go […]

Cyanide: it’s not just for murder anymore!

October 26, 2013

How about that heap leaching, eh?

Cradle to grave – a progressive’s garbage

October 10, 2013

“If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.”
― Eldridge Cleaver

Canoeing the BWCA

Mining poll shows Minnesotans like the environment

September 23, 2013

Last week Mining Truth, a coalition of Minnesota environmental groups, released the results of a poll they had Public Policy Polling commission concerning Minnesota’s feelings about issues around sulfide mining. They released the results of two polls, one of the entire state of Minnesota, one of just the eighth congressional district. These are the results […]


On comments – you’re a NIMBY edition

September 13, 2013

Here’s commenter Michael, in a comment on my recent inventory of sulfide mining stories, Sulfide mining stories reprise. If MN is such a bad place for PolyMet & Twin Metal[s] to mine nickel & copper where is a good or the best place to mine for nickel & copper? Steve replies: It seems that the […]

Sulfide mining stories reprise

September 12, 2013

Stories here at LeftMN


On comments – defending Brimstone Mountain edition

September 4, 2013

We rarely ever hear from detractors here at LeftMN; perhaps we don’t have many. [chortle] But we got a critical comment to The forces of grievance and resentment weigh in. Aaron from Duluth (to distinguish him from our, or formerly our, Aaron) writes: Hmmmm, the Shebandowan mine opened in 1972, CEPA was enacted in 1988. […]