A mountain of rotting food

September 3, 2015

Eat your beans, people

#BLM @ the #StateFair

September 1, 2015

The featured image is from the Pioneer Press, as the cutline credits. It was taken at the gate of the fair where the #BlackLivesMatter protesters were gathered last Saturday. The Breitbart photo above just discloses “Twitter/screenshot” as its provenance. It was taken along the march somewhere. Notice the difference? In the featured image at the top, you can […]


On comments: unfunny cartoons & unfunny court cases

August 31, 2015

Reaching deep into the ol’ mailbag, we find a couple of new comments. Deep is where we have to reach sometimes, because readers have learned we have an uneven record when it comes to publishing comments. But keep them coming, because we do appreciate them, read them, and often learn from them, when received. And, […]

Cough it up, Dale

August 24, 2015

Michael Brodkorb continues to report on the case of the two missing Lakeville girls, Samantha and Gianna Rucki. As first reported in the Strib by Brandon Stahl, a warrant for the arrest of the girls’ mother, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, was issued about ten days ago. As of this writing, she hasn’t been arrested and she has not surrendered […]

Not even remotely funny

August 22, 2015

This cartoon was in the Saturday morning Star Tribune, August 22, 2015. It’s by Scott Hilburn of the Universal Syndicate. It’s also textbook “humor punching down,” which is never really humor. If you liked it as much as I did, which is to say, not at all, you might ring up the Strib on Twitter: […]

Get out from under the spell, Sandra

August 21, 2015

I have not written anything new for some time, to the satisfaction of many, no doubt, and the disappointment of, I hope, a few. There are excuses I could offer — and plausible ones, at that — but the truth is that I haven’t found much of interest in the local news, anyway. That is, until Brandon […]

Puppet on a string – a reprise

August 14, 2015

I’m Your Puppet! sings PolyMet

Who will keep PolyMet’s grave clean? – a reprise

August 12, 2015

Because it sure won’t be PolyMet

No “we” in the GOP

August 10, 2015

GOP = first person singular possessive case

It’s like the Jerry Springer show, without Jerry

August 9, 2015

That was the most memorable line on Almanac last Friday evening, August 7th, uttered by Professor David Schultz, and describing the Fox News candidate debate the night before. It’s cracked me up every time I’ve muttered it under my breath for a couple of days now. Professor Schultz followed it up with a story on […]

Hiring more dingoes as babysitters – a reprise

August 7, 2015

When “catastrophe” is putting it charitably

Glencore: corporate citizen – a reprise

August 6, 2015

The sound you hear is scales falling