Eighth District Debate (10/9 @ 8 AM)

October 9, 2012

Courtesy of your friends at The Uptake

John Nienstedt drinks deep from the Chalice of Hate

October 8, 2012

Then wipes his lips on his velvet sleeve

Dan McGrath sees dead people

October 6, 2012

But, of course, they aren’t really there

Questions for Linda Masica

October 6, 2012

There’s a candidate forum for mayoral and council seat contenders coming up in Edina

Mark Ritchie at DFL State Convention

Minnesota GOP tries to gag Ritchie on voter ID

October 5, 2012

Parry and Newman file frivolous complaint

Greta Bergstrom with Vote No sign

Debate Minnesota: restrictions on the franchise

October 4, 2012

Representatives of Our Vote, Our Future and Minnesota Majority debate THIS EVENING

Sample ballot

Photo ID could disenfranchise more Republican voters than you think

October 3, 2012

If the photo voter ID amendment passes in November, Republicans could face electoral losses in 2014. It’s a commonplace that the photo voter ID amendment, if it passes, would benefit Republicans in future elections. That’s what Pennsylvania GOP House Leader Mike Turzai thinks, but that’s not nearly as clear cut as he believes. (And, of […]

Tweedle Kurt and Tweedle Keith

October 2, 2012

If you like Bills, you’ll love Downey

Mitt Romney

GOP leaders: take the “Spent” challenge

October 2, 2012

I would love to see Mitt Romney, Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich try their hand at this game. I came across a blog post the other day on Digby’s Hullabaloo entitled It’s Harder to Work When You’re Poor. The mayor of Phoenix, Arizona attempted to live on a food stamp budget for one week and […]

Uncle Billy: Noble Liar

October 1, 2012

Bill Glahn thinks it’s okay to lie if it furthers his agenda

Keith (Downey) the Dirty

September 28, 2012

A new award for Keith Downey

Greta Bergstrom with Vote No sign

The Our Vote, Our Future campaign comes to DL

September 28, 2012

Opposing the voter suppression amendment