Fourteen years of bullshit

August 25, 2019

In an opinion piece in the Strib, Nancy McReady, president of Conservationists with Common Sense (a “charity” whose last 990 reported on Guidestar is from 1998, even though it participates in the GiveMN program) says that there have been fourteen years of transparency in the permitting of the PolyMet pit mine. Governor Walz hummed a […]

Environmental justice in sulfide mining

August 16, 2019

A letter to the governor

PolyMet scores a hat trick!

June 26, 2019

O, what a tangled web we weave . . .

Let the sun shine in

September 8, 2016

There have been multiple calls recently for some sunshine on the PolyMet permitting process before the Department of Natural Resources. Sunshine would take the form of appointing an administrative law judge from the Office of Administrative Hearings who would hold hearings on the permit to mine. A record would be made — a public record — and […]

Comment on the PolyMet FEIS

December 10, 2015

Do it now

Marshall Helmberger on Minnesota’s dystopian future

November 20, 2015

Marshall Helmberger is — bar none — the best editorialist on the Range. Marshall is the publisher of the Timberjay newspapers. He is the best example of a courageous small-town newspaperman that I know of. In a piece that was published on November 18th, Helmberger writes: [O]fficials from the Bureau of Land Management received a crash course in two […]

Brad Moore: We are not a shell! a reprise

October 31, 2015

The PolyMet exec delivers the valedictory remarks

Making a record at the Public Utilities Commission

January 21, 2015

Update: January 28th: According to informed sources, the ALJ did not reverse himself and allow the subpoenas to issue. However, the DNR has apparently asked to testify, but the MPCA has not. It would be very interesting to know the communications that took place between the DNR and the MPCA, on the one hand, and […]

Forever is a really long time

August 11, 2014

It’s even longer than 500 years

Brad Moore: We are not a shell!

February 13, 2014

The PolyMet exec delivers the valedictory remarks

The Commish mines him some bulls**t Part II

July 28, 2013

The miracle of the Immaculate Extraction

North Shore River

North Shore mining leases go to Duluth Metals

October 25, 2012

Wednesday, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources held a metallic mineral lease auction for mineral leases in Aitkin, St. Louis, and Lake County. A total of 9,500 acres of leases received bids from three companies, with about one third of the area offered in this auction receiving bids. The most important and worrisome development is […]