Cough it up, Dale

August 24, 2015

Michael Brodkorb continues to report on the case of the two missing Lakeville girls, Samantha and Gianna Rucki. As first reported in the Strib by Brandon Stahl, a warrant for the arrest of the girls’ mother, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, was issued about ten days ago. As of this writing, she hasn’t been arrested and she has not surrendered […]

Get out from under the spell, Sandra

August 21, 2015

I have not written anything new for some time, to the satisfaction of many, no doubt, and the disappointment of, I hope, a few. There are excuses I could offer — and plausible ones, at that — but the truth is that I haven’t found much of interest in the local news, anyway. That is, until Brandon […]

The trouble with family courts

June 3, 2015

Have you ever had someone come and ask your opinion about something, or to help him or her solve a problem, and then when you do, he or she turns on you and claims you’re wrong, and it’s all your fault? Mediating a tiff between your kids is a particularly good way to wind up in this situation; sometimes they […]

Michelle’s pitch for martyrdom

May 1, 2015

You might learn something, or not

Four persons of interest

April 29, 2015

I don’t know about the rest of you, my friends, but I have been absolutely riveted by Michael Brodkorb’s efforts to get to the bottom of the disappearance of Samantha and Gianna Rucki, missing now for two years. Interest in the case was revived by the Strib’s Brandon Stahl’s recent article about the disappearance of the […]

Did you bring your toothbrush, Mr. Nathan?

April 29, 2015

If you read Brandon Stahl’s story in the Strib a week ago about the two missing teenage girls from Lakeville, and attorney Michelle MacDonald’s representation of the mother of the girls, or the story here remarking about the eerie equanimity with which the mother, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, and her attorney bear the continued disappearance of the […]

Do you know where the girls are, Michelle?

April 24, 2015

Just about the time you think the case of attorney Michelle MacDonald couldn’t get any stranger, you are proven wrong. MacDonald, the Republican candidate for the Minnesota Supreme Court in the election last November, is in the news again in a Strib story running under the hed “Lakeville sisters still missing two years after parents’ […]

Mourning opportunities lost III

November 21, 2014

I. In the first two installments of the story (here and here), I discussed the systemic political failure of the DFL-controlled Legislature to pass electioneering and disclosure legislation. Another such failure was not passing the Quie judicial retention election plan and putting it on the ballot for voters. Presently, judges run for re-election, against an opponent, if […]

Every word screams: CRACKPOT!

July 17, 2014

From the Hall of Bad Republican Endorsements

Absentee Voting at Minneapolis City Hall

The Weekly Wrap 6-29

June 29, 2014

Go vote!


A comment from a Michelle MacDonald supporter

June 26, 2014

Learning the law by a thump on the head

Michelle, that’s another fine mess you’ve gotten us into

June 23, 2014

After a recent meeting at the Council Oak (the tree, not the restaurant), the RPM executive committee announced, as it relates to the state convention’s endorsement of Greg Wersal wannabe Michelle MacDonald for Minnesota Supreme Court: “Regardless of anyone’s individual opinion on these issue, in a party which respects the rule of law and the constitution, […]