In re: wild rice

June 29, 2021

The EPA moves to protect wild rice water in Minnesota because the state won’t


MN lege: Loving these DFL pickup opportunities, Part 2

September 29, 2020

Districts 22-28


Ex-teacher Gov. Walz needs to hold the line, at least, on supporting public schools

May 13, 2020

I’ll note at the outset that when Tim Walz was elected governor I was quite concerned that, based on his record in the U.S. House as what’s generally called a “moderate” (there’s a milquetoast term, in contemporary politics), he would be willing to give away far too much to cut deals with legislative Republicans. I […]


DFLers in MN House look to help the homeless

March 12, 2020

Think it will get far in the GOP Senate?

I see you’re a Democrat, a reprise (with an addendum)

January 17, 2020

Lotsa luck, my friends

I see you’re a Democrat . . .

May 23, 2019

Something new and disturbing will happen if you want to vote in Minnesota’s presidential primary next year. You will have to disclose a party affiliation, or at least say which party’s ballot you want. The election judges in your precinct will record that information and the Secretary of State will collect these data from around […]

The crème de la crème

August 20, 2018

A wing nut’s wing nut – Doug Wardlow

Children aren’t a special interest group, Eric

May 25, 2018

Trying to rejigger the Separation of Powers

Ring. Ring. Hullo, Ben here

June 7, 2017

An imagined conversation

Minnesota’s constitutional crisis

June 5, 2017

We’ve been here a lot lately

Ok, Grandma, pack your things; here’s a shopping bag

May 23, 2017

We’ll wheel you to the door

Chris Coleman talks about transportation at DL

May 10, 2017

St. Paul’s Mayor Chris Coleman was the guest at Drinking Liberally on April 27th. He mostly came to talk about being a candidate for governor in 2018, but he talked about the current legislative session, too. Here are a few of his remarks about transportation.