Minnesota State Capitol

Working hard for the money

March 23, 2015

Although it has kind of died down now, there was a great wailing and gnashing of teeth at the Legislature over the salary increases given by Governor Mark Dayton to his Commissioners, first by the House Republicans and their leader, Speaker Kurt Daudt, followed shortly thereafter by DFL Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk, who persuaded […]

Don’t sound the herald trumpets

February 15, 2015

[Time: the present; Place: the governor’s office] An aide: Governor, Ambassadors Pappas, Torres Ray, and Goodwin from the Emir of Northern Minnesota are here to see you. Show them in. Don’t sound the herald trumpets, though. Aide: As you wish. [the three ambassadors enter, nervously, and stand before the governor] Do you bring greetings from the […]

Dear Tom, I burned the bridge

February 13, 2015

Or maybe you did

LeftMN Radio Hour 2-9-15

February 10, 2015

With guest MIchael Brodkorb

Miscellany: Tomassoni edition (1-24)

January 24, 2015

He’s Exhibit A in the Range DFL’s sense of government entitlement

Hit ’em where it hurts

December 21, 2014

It is reported in the Strib that the DFL thinks an ethics complaint ought to be filed in the Minnesota Senate against Julianne Ortman because of the offers of money by her campaign manager — one of which was accepted — to two other candidates, also seeking the endorsement for the U.S. Senate at the Republican […]

Consider Roger Chamberlain

April 4, 2014

Lightly armed in the battle of wits

Minnesota State Capitol

And now, on to the Senate

January 13, 2014

In the previous story about new campaign finance contribution limits, I discussed candidates for the Minnesota House. Just as in the case of the House, Under prior law, a candidate for the Senate could receive individual contributions of a maximum of $100 in a non-election year and $500 in an election year. Now, it’s $1,000 for the […]

Sen. Patricia Torres Ray at Drinking Liberally

October 23, 2013

“Don’t play the blame game”

The legacy of Cal and the Deputy

August 17, 2013

Get Michael!

“I think there has been an incredible double standard here”

June 23, 2013

Sings the Paynesville Warbler

We are not amused

June 9, 2013

Say Michael Brodkorb and Greg Walsh