Looking upstream

April 14, 2015

A group of friends is enjoying a picnic on the bank of a pleasant river surrounded by woods. Birds are singing and there is a faint whisper from the breeze in the trees. The idyll is shattered when one of the friends shouts, “There’s a baby in the river!” He jumps in the river and wades out to […]

Let there be holes in the ground, part two

October 1, 2014

Thus spake Mike

Let there be holes in the ground!

September 5, 2014

Thus spake Mike

Hiring more dingoes as babysitters

August 7, 2014

Many of you already know about the catastrophic — which seems almost too mild a word, under the circumstances — copper/nickel/gold tailings dam collapse in British Columbia. But if you haven’t, according to the Vancouver Observer, the Mount Polley mine’s tailings dam failed, and “dumped five million cubic metres of toxic waste near the Quesnel and Cariboo Rivers.” Oh, how […]

Where the [blank] did this come from?

May 30, 2014

The DFL turns its lonely eyes look to you, Ken

Uh, Minnesota, about that bag you’re holding, part two

February 25, 2014

Last time, I promised more information about the State of Minnesota’s gaping holes in its regulatory scheme for sulfide mining. I hinted at one of them: inadequate provision for protecting the public — not just the state — from the harm of mining activity. Before continuing, however, I feel compelled to point out some of the vessels […]

Uh, Minnesota, about that bag you’re holding

February 24, 2014

It’s really two bags

Lots of Shareholder Value

The Weekly Wrap 2-23

February 23, 2014

♣ Another Minnesota legislator has announced her retirement: Longtime Republican state Rep. Mary Liz Holberg, a conservative leader on privacy, budget and other issues, announced Saturday morning that she would not run for a ninth term. Holberg represented house district 58A, centered in Lakeville. 58A is an R+11 district according to hPVI, so most of […]

US Net Change Map

The Weekly Wrap 2-16

February 16, 2014

♣ The Republican Minority Leader of the Minnesota House, Kurt Daudt, will not get a free pass to endorsement this year: Oak Grove Mayor Mark Korin said today that he has filed the campaign paperwork and will seek the GOP endorsement. Korin is serving his fourth year as mayor of Oak Grove and runs an […]

Brad Moore: We are not a shell!

February 13, 2014

The PolyMet exec delivers the valedictory remarks

If only PolyMet knew now what it knew then

February 4, 2014

One of the very best ways, my friends, to evaluate what someone says is to see what s/he said before. We’ll get into that in a moment, but first a brief reprise of things written here previously. I have written before, on a couple of occasions, about PolyMet’s hopes and dreams for the flow of […]

Company Men

January 30, 2014

Those fellows in the suits want you to cede a lot more than just your time.