The great DNR tent revival show

January 29, 2014

Came to RiverCentre on January 28th

Words designed for eating

January 28, 2014

The water model is a joke

Talk to the experts!

January 25, 2014

But who are these experts, anyway?

Drinking Liberally on January 23rd

January 20, 2014

An event featuring great music & information about sulfide mining in Northern Minnesota

Begging your pardon, Tom

December 17, 2013

Says the Black Swan

Lee Schafer looks at PolyMet

December 9, 2013

Notices a hole, and it isn’t the mine

Puppet on a string

December 3, 2013

I’m Your Puppet! sings PolyMet

Pathological liars

November 26, 2013

Glencore/Xstrata? Never heard of ’em!

Who will keep PolyMet’s grave clean?

October 5, 2013

Because it sure won’t be PolyMet


On comments – you’re a NIMBY edition

September 13, 2013

Here’s commenter Michael, in a comment on my recent inventory of sulfide mining stories, Sulfide mining stories reprise. If MN is such a bad place for PolyMet & Twin Metal[s] to mine nickel & copper where is a good or the best place to mine for nickel & copper? Steve replies: It seems that the […]


On comments – defending Brimstone Mountain edition

September 4, 2013

We rarely ever hear from detractors here at LeftMN; perhaps we don’t have many. [chortle] But we got a critical comment to The forces of grievance and resentment weigh in. Aaron from Duluth (to distinguish him from our, or formerly our, Aaron) writes: Hmmmm, the Shebandowan mine opened in 1972, CEPA was enacted in 1988. […]


On comments – Labor Day edition

September 2, 2013

It is probably pretty discouraging to leave comments here at LeftMN. But we do read them, including the two hundred-odd spam comments we get every month, so it is kind of a “wheat and chaff” thing. But persevere, kids, because — as today — we sometimes even get around to publishing a couple, and they are always […]