Gov. Mark Dayton

Mark Dayton looking good for re-election

January 24, 2013

In which the title writer gets lazy

Al Franken

Al Franken looking good for re-election

January 22, 2013

So sayith a poll from this day

Darts in a dartboard

Pollster performance in Minnesota in 2012

December 5, 2012

Last week I discussed 2012 election polling in Minnesota on a macro level, how all the polls did in the four statewide races. In that post I did not get into how specific pollsters fared against each other, that is what’s happening in this post. Some individual pollsters did a really good job in Minnesota […]

Darts in a dartboard

Polling performance in Minnesota in 2012

November 29, 2012

A look at how the polling did in predicting Minnesota election outcomes

Vote NO on both Amendments

New PPP poll shows opposition to both amendments above 50%!

November 4, 2012

In their last poll of the state, and likely the last poll to be released in Minnesota, prior to the election, Public Policy Polling finds opposition to both of the amendments above 50%. First up, the Photo Voter ID amendment: PPP (11/3, 10/8 in parenthesis, 9/12 in brackets): Should the Minnesota Constitution be amended to require all voters to […]

Chip Pointing at Numbers

New poll of MN-8 has Rick Nolan ahead of Chip Cravaack 48-44

October 28, 2012

A Public Policy Polling poll (alliteration!) of Minnesota’s eighth congressional district has Rick Nolan up by four points over incumbent congressman Chip Cravaack. PPP (10/28, no trend lines): Chip Cravaack (R-inc) 44 Rick Nolan (D) 48 Undecided 8 (MoE: ±3.9%) Interactive Polling Graph This is the first poll since Chip Cravaack’s residency issue became a part of […]

Paul Thissen

Minnesota Generic Legislative ballot shows big DFL advantage

October 15, 2012

And what that could mean come November

Obama Klobuchar Franken

Minnesotans shrug off President Obama’s debate performance

October 10, 2012

And Amy Klobuchar expands her lead over Kurt Bills

Vote NO on both Amendments

Plurality oppose the Marriage Amendment says new poll

October 9, 2012

And support for the Photo Voter ID Amendment is at a new low

Rick Nolan

The Weekly Wrap 10-5

October 5, 2012

This week we learn that Minnesota Public Radio is out of the polling game and sometimes what looks like triage is in fact not triage


Partisan ID in polls

September 27, 2012

The release by the StarTribune of their latest Minnesota Poll sent various bloggers around the state into a tizzy over its partisan ID numbers

Minnesota State Capitol

Minnesota Legislature generic ballot tests from last week’s polls

September 17, 2012

Last week both SurveyUSA and Public Policy Polling released polls of the state. I’ve already covered the amendment portions of both polls, as well as the Presidential and Senatorial portions of those polls. Uncovered by me so far are the generic ballot tests for the Minnesota legislature that appeared in both of those polls. The Minnesota […]