
MN-01: Rep. Hagedorn sticks to Trump like a limpet

October 22, 2020

Regarding Rep. Hagedorn’s recent scandals, I don’t personally care about the Grand Canyon thing. Lots of people, from all walks of life, are always trying to score perks like that. It would be good if all of our elected lawmakers held themselves to higher standards, but, throughout the entire world history of politics, yeah, right. […]


MN-01: Rep. Hagedorn’s history of deranged, bigoted nonsense is not just history

July 27, 2020

Recent stuff: In a Facebook post published on June 23, Congressman Jim Hagedorn (R-MN) used white nationalist rhetoric to condemn the Black Lives Matter movement. Hagedorn wrote that the Black Lives Matter movement is “at war with our country, our beliefs and western culture.” He insisted that Americans must oppose the Black Lives Matter movement […]


MN-01: Rep. Hagedorn rides the right-wing crazy train on COVID-19

April 29, 2020

There’s this: On (April 20), Rep. Jim Hagedorn (R-MN) claimed that allowing members of Congress to vote on legislation from their home is a scheme to make it easier for all Americans to vote by mail in November. In a Facebook post, Hagedorn called remote voting a “very bad idea,” even during the coronavirus pandemic, […]


MN-01: Rep. Hagedorn kind of, kind of doesn’t, join pitiful GOP publicity stunt

October 27, 2019

Actually, I’m starting with something from an email I got from the Independent Media Institute. The overwhelming majority of media that most people read, watch and hear, simply put, is awful, in so many ways, and one of the biggest problems we face. Couldn’t have said it better, myself, which is why I quoted that. […]


MN-01: Dan Feehan is going to kick butt

October 3, 2019

It was Feehan vs. Hagedorn in 2018. The latter is now Rep. Jim Hagedorn (R-MN), but not by much. Feehan has announced a rematch. My intent is not to dismiss any other DFLers who may get in, but I think it’s a pretty safe bet that it will be Feehan on the ballot, again. And […]