Death to the Talon mine!

May 21, 2024

An easy, painless demise would be fine with me

Israel Has Been Defeated – a Total Defeat

April 29, 2024

Says Chaim Levinson in Haaretz

A NO recommendation for Heather Edelson for HennCo Board

April 24, 2024

She’s not right for this job

Katherine Kersten: spokester for the overdogs

April 7, 2024

Raise up the underdogs? Heaven forfend


Another Minnesota GOP savior

September 11, 2019

Though I don’t blame you if you’ve put it out of your mind, Tim Pawlenty was governor of Minnesota for eight years, beginning in January 2003. He was the worst governor in modern Minnesota history. But, oh, did Minnesota’s corporate “news” media love him, among other things because he supposedly had everything it took for […]

UofM – once known for research, now a sport’s lawsuit magnet

October 29, 2015

Does the University exist to educate or train athletes and where is the emphasis day to day?

The Cycle of Corporate Abuse

April 4, 2015

On mining’s toxic relationship with the Iron Range.

Looking for small government? Try the third world

September 26, 2013

Do you think this child could make it in the TBaalParty?


On comments – defending Brimstone Mountain edition

September 4, 2013

We rarely ever hear from detractors here at LeftMN; perhaps we don’t have many. [chortle] But we got a critical comment to The forces of grievance and resentment weigh in. Aaron from Duluth (to distinguish him from our, or formerly our, Aaron) writes: Hmmmm, the Shebandowan mine opened in 1972, CEPA was enacted in 1988. […]

The legacy of Cal and the Deputy

August 17, 2013

Get Michael!

Minnesota sends surfer dude Frank Schubert packing

November 7, 2012

Seen leaving the state with his board strapped to the roof of his car

Rick Nolan

Nolan and Craavack: part the last

October 31, 2012

It’s their final debate in the CD8 race