Mike Maguire steps aside
This morning, Eagan Mayor and candidate for state Senate Mike Maguire announced that he would not run in a primary against DFL Sen. Jim Carlson. Maguire had challenged the results of the SD51 endorsing convention by filing a challenge with the DFL party about vote tabulation errors. His withdrawal from the race removes a dark cloud hanging over the chances of a DFL pickup in the south metro district. Sen. Carlson will face off in a rematch against GOP Sen. Ted Daley, who narrowly won in 2010. Daley is a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and was a member of its now discredited and defunct Public Safety and Elections Committee. You know, the people who brought you the Shoot First bill and the Photo ID amendment.
Here’s an excerpt from Maguire’s letter to supporters that he published on his Facebook page:
On Sunday night, having reviewed the Commission’s Conclusions and Findings of Fact and spent the weekend consulting with my wife Janelle, close friends and supporters – I’ve decided that I will not be a candidate in the August primary.
This was not an easy decision or one that we took lightly. We are grateful for the commitment of our friends in the DFL community and humbled by their support and confidence. In the end, our gratitude could not outweigh the fact that a primary campaign would not alleviate but instead exacerbate the rancor and division that has been created. Political calculations and prospects for electoral success aside, our DFL community and the citizens of Eagan and Burnsville would be ill served by continued rancor and a deepening divide. These communities that Janelle and I have been passionately committed to serving throughout our life together will be far better served by my stepping aside and that is the basis for my decision.
To my friends and supporters, we understand that many among you may be disappointed by our decision. We ask that you put that disappointment aside and in the interests of our common goals to see Minnesota move forward once again support and work on behalf of Jim Carlson’s campaign to return to the Minnesota State Senate. Through both his previous service and his campaign’s efforts Jim has earned the opportunity that now lies before him in this summer and fall’s campaign.
To Jim Carlson and his strongest supporters, as I did on Convention Day, I congratulate you and your organization on winning the DFL party’s endorsement. In addition, I want to make clear that Jim has, as in his past campaigns, my unwaivering and unconditional support.
Mike Maguire
Former State Senate Candidate SD51 DFL
Follow me on Twitter @aaronklemz
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