A young people’s rally to defeat Keith Downey
Update: The event happened yesterday and Terry was there and got some photos and video.
Next week, there will be a rally to defeat state senate candidate Keith Downey at Wooddale Park in Edina. It is scheduled for 4:30 PM on October 3rd. The rally will feature young persons — some of whom have had personal interactions with Keith Downey — talking about why his agenda is too extreme for Edina, and for Minnesota, too.
The rally is organized by activist Gabe Aderhold and friends. Gabe is familiar to many of you as a member of the Edina High School Gay Straight Alliance that confronted Keith Downey on his position on student bullying. Gabe also buttonholed Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann at the Iowa State Fair in 2011 — when they were both there on the Presidential Delusion Tour — on their views about gay rights. And if that is not enough, Gabe chased Bradlee Dean’s card table evangelists out of a local convenience store. Oh, and he was elected as an Alternate National Elector at the most recent DFL state convention.
Did I mention that Gabe just graduated from high school? Gabe is NOT pictured above; the photo was taken at one of those visit your legislator days at the Capitol last session.
It will be a great event with lots of energy, I am sure.
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