LeftMN Radio Hour 12-16
This week on the LeftMN Radio Hour, we (re-)welcome Representative-elect Jason Isaacson (@JDIsaacson) from 42B. The fighting 42nd… B. With Representative-elect Isaacson we talk about his campaign, freshman legislative orientation, and what he’s going to be focusing on in his first session as a legislator. Oh, of course we talk about the budget as well.
This interview was also on last weeks podcast, but due to a technical issue (producer incompetence) the previous weeks show actually played on the radio.
We spend the first segment, as we always do, talking about the week in Minnesota Politics. In the second segment, we discuss the tragic events in Newton, Connecticut and ruminate on what can be done to prevent such events in the future.
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Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.