Joni Bennett endorses Ron Erhardt
[I asked former Edina councilmember Joni Bennett to tell us why she supports Ron Erhardt for reelection. Here’s what she said. Steve]
I wholeheartedly support Representative Ron Erhardt for re-election to the Minnesota House of Representatives. Here’s why:
- Ron has always been on the right side of issues very important to me. He supports women’s access to a full range of reproductive healthcare services. [Ron is endorsed by NARL again this year. ed.] He opposed conceal carry legislation and supported bills that removed guns from domestic abusers. He supports fully funding transportation and public education.
- Ron works hard for this district. Ron gives his work at the legislature the time it takes to become fully-informed, the dedication it takes to be well-respected by staff and other legislators, and the compassion it takes to understand the needs of this community.
- Ron is effective. When the Noise Oversight Committee of the Metropolitan Airports Commission refused to install monitors to measure airplane noise over Edina, Ron introduced a bill to require the MAC to install three temporary monitors that would take a baseline measurement. In response, the NOC held a special meeting and approved the monitors. Those temporary monitors measured average noise levels higher than were recorded during the same period at 10 of the MAC’s 39 permanent monitors.
Ron and State Senator Melisa Franzen successfully sought $225,000 from the State of Minnesota for the Edina Veterans Memorial. Those funds, in the 2014 Bonding Bill, matched money raised by the Edina Veteran’s Committee. They enabled the city to build the memorial, which was dedicated on Memorial Day 2015.

Sen. Melisa Franzen & Rep. Ron Erhardt | photo by the author
Ron has sponsored and supported legislation to fund housing for homeless youth and young adults. Over 250 young adults are without homes each night in the southwestern suburbs. Edina has hundreds of entry-level jobs available in retail and medical facilities. Ron helped match housing to need and job opportunity.
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