There must be worse ways to introduce yourself to constituents
But it’s hard to know what they would be
On Thursday last, two items, bound together with a rubber band, were dropped on the front steps of many houses in the part of the Fifth Congressional District that lies Edina, including mine. The package was not delivered by mail; it had no postage affixed. It was delivered by a courier.
The first item was post-card-sized glossy lit piece touting the candidacy of Chris Fields to voters newly annexed to the Fifth from the Third. It was nicely done with good photos and a brief description about Fields’ candidacy.
So far, so good.
This greeting from Fields was bound, however, to a 200 question questionnaire from the Church of Scientology, the title of which is “Are You Curious About Yourself?” The questions included ones about voting habits and attitude about criminals and law breaking — as well as a lot of other stuff, too.
The reaction in the neighborhood was that these two items arriving together was creepy and disturbing. It clearly won’t generate positives for Fields.
You only get one chance to make an unfavorable first impression. Chris Fields made the most of it.
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