Soon to be former St. Paul Council-member Kassim Busuri

Chasing Those Precious Second Choice Votes Part 2

November 11, 2019

On Friday November 8th St. Paul conducted the reallocation of Ranked Choice Voting Votes for Wards 1 and 6. This was a big moment for the anonymous St. Paul “insider” we were introduced to in part one of this soon to be concluded series. Either the “insider” would be correct and Ward 6 Council-member Kassim […]

Minnesota District 30A State Representative Nicky Zerwas

Who is the Most Online Minnesota Legislator?

November 7, 2019

An investigation

Likely St. Paul Ward 6 winner Nelsie Yang

Chasing Those Precious Second Choice Votes

November 6, 2019

Appointed St. Paul Council-member Kassim Busuri appears to have lost his seat in yesterdays elections. I say appears because while he’s way, way behind, and has no realistic chance of victory, he’s not actually eliminated yet. He could still pull this thing out. If you read the mistake-prone half of the Morning Hot Take Dish […]


MN-04: Rep. McCollum could use attention and support on Palestinian rights

November 5, 2019

Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) introduced HR 2407, the Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act, on April 30. It was referred to the Foreign Affairs Committee, and nothing has happened since. It does have 22 co-sponsors, including Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). This is nothing new for Rep. McCollum. For years […]

Why did a Court of Appeals Judge ask if PolyMet’s dam was a Hail Mary?

October 29, 2019

It’s more of a Lazarus, really

Shannon Lotthammer: We don’t know where all that mercury is coming from

October 27, 2019

It’s a puzzle that the TMDL study would have answered, which is why it was scotched


MN-01: Rep. Hagedorn kind of, kind of doesn’t, join pitiful GOP publicity stunt

October 27, 2019

Actually, I’m starting with something from an email I got from the Independent Media Institute. The overwhelming majority of media that most people read, watch and hear, simply put, is awful, in so many ways, and one of the biggest problems we face. Couldn’t have said it better, myself, which is why I quoted that. […]


Checking out some recent polling in Minnesota

October 16, 2019

Primarily in an effort to limit the quantity of “bad” stress in my life, I’m not the polls junkie I used to be. That said, Public Policy Polling recently polled our state (commissioned by Alliance for a Better Minnesota), and I got to pondering. It’s easy to react with something like “44% job approval seems […]


Minnesota corporate media’s infuriating Omar/Trump double standard, Part 2

October 12, 2019

Trump actually came to Minnesota to try to prove that he’s not frightened and intimidated by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). Which is utter bullshit; nothing terrifies Trump and his ilk more than someone like Rep. Omar. Always has, always will. Do the people who call the shots for corporate media (CM) not know that? Or […]

Keep up the good work, people

October 6, 2019

I shudder to think where we’d be without you


MN-01: Dan Feehan is going to kick butt

October 3, 2019

It was Feehan vs. Hagedorn in 2018. The latter is now Rep. Jim Hagedorn (R-MN), but not by much. Feehan has announced a rematch. My intent is not to dismiss any other DFLers who may get in, but I think it’s a pretty safe bet that it will be Feehan on the ballot, again. And […]


MN-Sen: Is Jason Lewis Trump-level crazy?

September 26, 2019

Jason Lewis was in the U.S. House, for one term. He’s running for the U.S. Senate, in Minnesota. Jason Lewis, a Republican running for US Senate in Minnesota, once said Republicans had “dual loyalties” to Israel, adding that support for the country was the result of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and a “very […]