The picture becomes clearer . . .

December 13, 2018

The reprint of a story on Professor Mark Osler’s blog – Osler’s Razor

2018 Minnesota Election Round-up

December 3, 2018

Observations concerning the recent election

Mary Christine Bader wins the coveted Spotty ™

December 1, 2018

Regular readers here know that a Spotty™ is awarded to the writer of a letter to the editor, an op-ed piece, or a blog post or comment that I wish I had written myself. I started to write a piece with the sentiments expressed by Mary Christine Bader, but even if I had finished it […]

Considering Amy

November 23, 2018

Professor Mark Osler tagged me in a Facebook post linking to his opinion piece in The Hill advancing the idea that Sen. Amy Klobuchar should run for president in 2020. Perhaps the tag was to invite comments from me; I hope so, because I have some. They aren’t the same as the professor’s, though. Summarizing […]

Sen. Tom Bakk

DFL probably would have won the Minnesota Senate this year too

November 20, 2018

But it would have been close

How the new DFL House majority compares to the old DFL House majority

November 15, 2018

The 2018 election represents the second time the DFL has won the State House majority under the district maps implemented in 2012. The path to a DFL majority in 2018 was quite a bit different than the path in 2012 however and the differences in the two elections underline what has become the most obvious recent trend in […]

Redistricting reform should be at the top of the agenda

November 13, 2018

The DFL should create an independent redistricting commission even though they stand to possibly achieve the trifecta

It’s vast! It’s sweeping! It’s ambitious!

November 11, 2018

What’s in a word?

Keith Ellison is the only choice for Attorney General

November 3, 2018

An unreserved endorsement . . .

Doug Wardlow’s blogging while clerking scandal

October 27, 2018

A lawyer’s perspective

Performing feats of pseudo-religious legerdemain

October 21, 2018

Greenville, S.C. – July 29, 1960  Six young Negro boys were arrested for sitting down at a local whites-only lunch counter and refusing to leave without being served. After the boys were cleared out by the police, the owner of the lunch counter was asked for a reaction. “I’m sure those Negroes will be represented […]

Writer of LTE condemning Doug Wardlow wins a Spotty ™

October 13, 2018

The letter of the day in the print edition of the Strib for Saturday, October 13th wins a Spotty™. Republican Doug Wardlow’s comments at a recent Jason Lewis fundraiser that if he is elected attorney general he would fire “42 Democratic attorneys right off the bat and get Republican attorneys in there” (, Oct. 12) is proof-positive […]