The latest Spotty ™ winner!

December 10, 2013

New category, too: video

Lee Schafer looks at PolyMet

December 9, 2013

Notices a hole, and it isn’t the mine

David Gerson

The Weekly Wrap 12-8

December 8, 2013

♣ St Cloud State University, as they do in the fall, released a poll conducted of Minnesota to find out what we think of some of our elected officials. Below, the results: SCSU (12/2, no trend lines): How would you rate the overall performance of Mark Dayton as Governor? Would you rate his performance as […]

Puppet on a string

December 3, 2013

I’m Your Puppet! sings PolyMet

Drinking Liberally holiday party and Toys for Tots collection

November 30, 2013

With Toy Collecting Santa making his third appearance on the 331 Club stage

Pathological liars

November 26, 2013

Glencore/Xstrata? Never heard of ’em!

Therapeutic Nazi hunting, part three

November 23, 2013

Where’s the witness?

Axl Rose

The Weekly Wrap 11-23

November 23, 2013

♣ The Minnesota Jobs Coalition, the intrepid dark money group started by friend of the now-defunct LeftMN Radio Hour, Ben Golnik, released a polling memo, let’s take a look: Tarrance Group (11/21, no trend lines): Do you think Minnesota’s U.S. Senator Al Franken has done a good enough job to deserve re-election, or is it […]

Therapeutic Nazi hunting, part two

November 22, 2013

Bounty hunting, Northern Alliance style

One of these two persons

November 21, 2013

Will be the next Minnesota Secretary of State

Betsy Hodges

Fun with Graphs: 2013 Minneapolis election

November 21, 2013

Graphs concerning the results of the elections We begin with some graphs concerning the actual results of the actual elections. First up, a graph of the top Mayoral vote getters number of 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice votes. And a line graph of just the top three by round. Both of these graphs show, to […]

Therapeutic Nazi hunting, part one

November 20, 2013

Ivan the Supine: a reprise