Scribners 1880 Popular Vote

The Weekly Wrap 11-17

November 17, 2013

♣ The big story that dropped in last Sunday’s edition of the StarTribune was that the electronic campaign finance records curated by the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board were riddled with errors: About 7,000 records of donations between Minnesota groups are incorrect — an error rate of about one in seven. Electronic records […]

The Revolution will not be televised

November 16, 2013

Or perhaps even noticed

Playing the blame game in education

November 12, 2013

Scapegoating teachers

Woytanowitz wins Spotty!

November 11, 2013

The music will soar!

Who’s the bigger data fool?

November 10, 2013

Robert McNamara or Arne Duncan?

Betsy Hodges

The Weekly Wrap 11-9

November 9, 2013

It’s been a few weeks since I did The Wrap™, having been distracted by new polls the last two weeks. But The Wrap™ returns, to do it’s Wrapy thing once again and all of Minnesota Politicoland rejoices. ♣ First off, the unofficial election results from the elections on Tuesday in Minneapolis that had to go […]

Differentiate, it’s what we do

November 8, 2013

Looking for a difference everywhere

Surly Five

Elections Live Blog

November 5, 2013

[liveblog] Pictured above is a bottle of Surly Five that I pulled out of my beer cellar for just this occasion. This occasion being an election of course. But not just an election, no no no, a very special, 35 contestant, Ranked Choice Voting open seat Minneapolis Mayoral election. Plus a whole bunch of competitive […]

Heaven is going bankrupt – give us what you’ve got

November 5, 2013

He’s not leaving until the money is gone

Ranked Choice Voting Talking Points Scorecard

The Ranked Choice Voting Spin Cycle

November 4, 2013

A few weeks back I wrote the following: And when the number one talking point for a thing is factually incorrect, it makes me wonder about the rest of the talking points. The thing to which I was referring, if the title of this post hasn’t yet given it away, is Ranked Choice Voting. The […]

Al Franken

Al Franken still in catbird seat

November 3, 2013

This is the second post dealing with the new Public Policy Polling poll of the Minnesota electoral landscape for 2014. The first post dealt with the Gubernatorial portion of the poll, this post will deal with the Senatorial portion of the poll. To wit: PPP (10/27-29, 5/17-19 in parenthesis, 1/18-20 in brackets): Do you approve or disapprove of […]

Sample Ranked-Choice Voting Ballot

Today in completely bogus camfi complaints

November 2, 2013

Legal frivolity