Al Franken

Al Franken still in catbird seat

November 3, 2013

This is the second post dealing with the new Public Policy Polling poll of the Minnesota electoral landscape for 2014. The first post dealt with the Gubernatorial portion of the poll, this post will deal with the Senatorial portion of the poll. To wit: PPP (10/27-29, 5/17-19 in parenthesis, 1/18-20 in brackets): Do you approve or disapprove of […]

Sample Ranked-Choice Voting Ballot

Today in completely bogus camfi complaints

November 2, 2013

Legal frivolity

Gov. Mark Dayton

Mark Dayton’s standing improves

November 2, 2013

PPP’s most recent poll shows some improvement for Governor Mark Dayton

Fiscal Conservation – the low hanging fruit

October 30, 2013

We are NOT broke, we’re just unwilling to harvest the money.

John Kline

Second poll in less than a week shows John Kline in trouble

October 30, 2013

Last week I covered a PPP poll sponsored by The House Majority PAC which showed John Kline trailing his 2012 opponent, DFLer Mike Obermueller, 42-38. That poll was what you might call a “shock poll.” A poll with numbers so different from anything seen before that it shocks the senses. But shock polls can sometimes […]

Robert Panning-Miller at Drinking Liberally

October 29, 2013

Rob asks, “What happens when you row a boat in several directions at once?”

If only these things were true

October 28, 2013

The youth force us to contemplate revolutionary things

2013 Minneapolis Sample Ballot

Ranked Choice Voting Question Time: Getting to the Heart of the Matter

October 28, 2013

This post is a continuation of my very topical series on Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). A series that began with a post tiled, “Ask Me Anything: Ranked Choice Voting,” where I pleaded with readers to ask me questions about Ranked Choice Voting so that I could turn around and use those questions to create hot […]

John Kline

Big Trouble in the Second Congressional District for John Kline

October 26, 2013

That’s according to a recent poll released by The House Majority PAC and conducted by Public Policy Polling. PPP (10/24, no trend lines): John Kline (R-inc) 38 Mike Obermueller (D) 42 Not sure 20 (MoE: ±3.4%) While PPP has been doing a bunch of generic ballot testing with Republican house members around the country and […]

Cyanide: it’s not just for murder anymore!

October 26, 2013

How about that heap leaching, eh?


October 25, 2013

There are more Democratic votes out there

The poor are richer than the rich – or so the GOP reasons

October 24, 2013

A contorted syllogism of the GOP