Looking upstream

April 14, 2015

A group of friends is enjoying a picnic on the bank of a pleasant river surrounded by woods. Birds are singing and there is a faint whisper from the breeze in the trees. The idyll is shattered when one of the friends shouts, “There’s a baby in the river!” He jumps in the river and wades out to […]

A conversation before drifting off

February 2, 2015

A little political pillow talk

Let there be holes in the ground, part two

October 1, 2014

Thus spake Mike

Let there be holes in the ground!

September 5, 2014

Thus spake Mike

Forever is a really long time

August 11, 2014

It’s even longer than 500 years

Hiring more dingoes as babysitters

August 7, 2014

Many of you already know about the catastrophic — which seems almost too mild a word, under the circumstances — copper/nickel/gold tailings dam collapse in British Columbia. But if you haven’t, according to the Vancouver Observer, the Mount Polley mine’s tailings dam failed, and “dumped five million cubic metres of toxic waste near the Quesnel and Cariboo Rivers.” Oh, how […]

When the going gets tough

July 11, 2014

The senior mining companies take a powder

Get more from UMore – A UofM tragedy unfolds

June 23, 2014

Another in the money gets what money wants series

Matt Entenza

The Weekly Wrap 6-15

June 15, 2014

KSTP/SurveyUSA released a poll last week that I will address in a future, standalone, post. In the meantime, The Wrap™ is here to scratch your Minnesota politics itch. ♣ Matt Entenza, candidate for state Auditor, filed a complaint this week against the incumbent Auditor, Rebecca Otto, with the Office of Administrative Hearings claiming that she broke […]

It might be cheaper than mining

June 13, 2014

An alternative thought on Polymet mining

Those darn kids are just in over their heads

June 6, 2014

And kids, get off our damn lawn

Matt Entenza

Matt Entenza to challenge Rebecca Otto in August Primary

June 4, 2014

Matt Entenza, last seen getting 18% of the vote in the 2010 DFL Gubernatorial primary, has filed to run for the office of state Auditor against Rebecca Otto, who was last seen getting endorsed by the DFL in their convention this last weekend and is the two term incumbent state Auditor. The last time Matt […]