Right Wing thinking explained with Art

June 18, 2015

The mobius thinking of the right wing in pictures

Governance in the Dismal Swamp

June 17, 2015

In recent months, controversy has swirled around the Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board (the “IRRRB”) and the people who populate and control it: Iron Range legislators. There was another story by investigative reporter Jennifer Bjorhus in the Star Tribune on Sunday, June 14th – another eyebrow raiser – involving IRRRB loans to a Mountain […]

Whatever happened to the liberal Democrats?

June 13, 2015

The first LeftMN commentary by Professor David Schultz

The Separation of Powers

June 10, 2015

Is on everyone’s lips

Fahrenheit 451 revisited

June 6, 2015

Someone sent me this video and asked my reaction. It’s a promotional video made by Corning that purports to show what our future will be like. If our future is a complete dystopian nightmare, that is. Even the title is chilling to me. The video takes us through a day, dawn to dusk, of a prototypical […]

The trouble with family courts

June 3, 2015

Have you ever had someone come and ask your opinion about something, or to help him or her solve a problem, and then when you do, he or she turns on you and claims you’re wrong, and it’s all your fault? Mediating a tiff between your kids is a particularly good way to wind up in this situation; sometimes they […]

You want Dill on that Tomassoni?

May 20, 2015

[I’ve been indisposed and haven’t written much for a while. Sorry.] The close of the recent legislative session will probably set the bar for skullduggery on a number of fronts, not the least of which is the environment. HF 846, the odious Agriculture and Environment Omnibus Budget Bill contains a lot of policy in it — bad policy — […]

Michelle’s pitch for martyrdom

May 1, 2015

You might learn something, or not

Four persons of interest

April 29, 2015

I don’t know about the rest of you, my friends, but I have been absolutely riveted by Michael Brodkorb’s efforts to get to the bottom of the disappearance of Samantha and Gianna Rucki, missing now for two years. Interest in the case was revived by the Strib’s Brandon Stahl’s recent article about the disappearance of the […]

Did you bring your toothbrush, Mr. Nathan?

April 29, 2015

If you read Brandon Stahl’s story in the Strib a week ago about the two missing teenage girls from Lakeville, and attorney Michelle MacDonald’s representation of the mother of the girls, or the story here remarking about the eerie equanimity with which the mother, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, and her attorney bear the continued disappearance of the […]

Do you know where the girls are, Michelle?

April 24, 2015

Just about the time you think the case of attorney Michelle MacDonald couldn’t get any stranger, you are proven wrong. MacDonald, the Republican candidate for the Minnesota Supreme Court in the election last November, is in the news again in a Strib story running under the hed “Lakeville sisters still missing two years after parents’ […]

TIF-ed off in Edina! – part two

April 16, 2015

The Grandview redevelopment