Are we marching to anywhere?

January 13, 2015

[See the updates below] Since this is a mostly-Minnesota website, and since I am a little conflicted about the meaning of the whole thing myself, I hadn’t planned to write about the massacre in Paris (because that it was it was) and the follow-up shooting at a kosher market that took additional lives (that was also […]

The car salesman from Crown gets his feelings hurt

January 9, 2015

Hey Kurt, where the hell is my road?

Is Bloomington a company town?

January 6, 2015

Or do #BlackLivesMatter?

The car salesman from Crown

December 30, 2014

You want the undercoating, right?

They shall serve as examples for all to see

December 26, 2014

The words of Bloomington city attorney Sandra Johnson still ring in my ears: “It’s important to make an example out of these organizers so that this never happens again,” Johnson said. “It was a powder keg waiting for the match.” If you go to the Bloomington website, you will see a note that the police […]

Inspector Javert

December 24, 2014

In the last story about the MOA Black Lives Matter rally on the 20th, I suggested that Bloomington city attorney Sandra Johnson was the protagonist in a Greek tragedy, doomed by circumstances, but obsessed to carry on in the face of a fate that was obvious to everyone but her. That metaphor was completely wrong. She isn’t a tragic […]

Barbarians breach the gate at the MOA

December 23, 2014

We must have revenge!

Hit ’em where it hurts

December 21, 2014

It is reported in the Strib that the DFL thinks an ethics complaint ought to be filed in the Minnesota Senate against Julianne Ortman because of the offers of money by her campaign manager — one of which was accepted — to two other candidates, also seeking the endorsement for the U.S. Senate at the Republican […]

Scott Johnson’s book report

December 17, 2014

I was naturally excited to learn that Scott Johnson had also read Keith Ellison’s recent and charming memoir, My Country ‘Tis of Thee. Since the New York Review of Books, and even The Atlantic, rejected Scott’s review, he had to turn to his pal Doug Tice at the Strib to get it published. Which is, naturally, as […]

I know John Kline

December 16, 2014

Yes, I know John Kline. John Kline is a friend of mine, well, a fishing friend. That is, I usually see him at least a couple of times a year, on a trout stream, at a fishing exposition, or at a clinic where persons new to fly fishing come and learn the beginnings of the […]

Shorter Doug Tice

December 14, 2014

We are all unarmed black men now

Capitol steps

Who’s the Load, really?

December 12, 2014

Owing the truth an apology