Thought for the day

September 9, 2014

In contemplation of political policies

Labor Day

September 1, 2014

Okay, an admission: I did not spend most of my life working with my hands or my back, unless you consider writing with a pen, or later with a keyboard, working with your hands. But I come from working people, and I would still be pleased to be called one. I did spend time in my […]

Jefferson’s blueprint of progressive political thought

August 31, 2014

The Age of Enlightenment the birth of the progressive platform

Pride, first thing a hungry person eats

August 30, 2014

The wealthy are already getting off cheap

Plato, the Apology and Socratic wisdom

August 28, 2014

Republican platform in the role of Meletus

Oh those French – sarcastique

August 27, 2014

The United States and its constitution of freedom may be the brunt of French wit. Doubt that? Dedicated in 1886 the nation had hardly laid aside its racism. It lives yet today with Ferguson being the concrete example. “Give me your poor…”, engraved in stone in memorials all over the place. Big words, small actions. […]

The edifice you cannot see – the GOP Senate Bldg alternative

August 26, 2014

The Republican edifice is not visible to the naked eye

The Gated Communities – GOP and DFL in Minnesota

August 23, 2014

Gating and the small selection at hand

Trouble with you is the trouble with me

August 22, 2014

There are things we just can’t see

Splitting wood can parallel democracy

August 20, 2014

Getting more out of democracy takes some effort unless you’re willing to settle for less

The demise of the Industrial Revolution

August 19, 2014

Like an Irish wake, things are getting out of hand

Emerging NRA market – African Americans

August 14, 2014

Black Americans need guns