Sack Lunch

The Weekly Wrap 8/19

August 19, 2012

It was a news filled week, full of wrap-worthy news

Minnesota State Capitol

Primary Election Live Blog

August 14, 2012

As if today hasn’t been exciting enough already

Allen Quist

Primary Prediction Contest

August 13, 2012

Time is running out to enter the contest for your chance to win a LeftMN tshirt

Polling Place

Estimating Turnout for the Primary

August 13, 2012

And some primary turnout history too!

LeftMN Radio Hour

LeftMN Radio Hour 8-12

August 12, 2012

This week Eric Pusey from the Minnesota Progressive Project joins us to discuss the big news of the week and look forward to the primary elections on Tuesday

Amy Klobuchar at Podium

The Weekly Wrap 8-12

August 12, 2012

The Minnesota Media can look forward to Amy Klobuchar getting national play in 2016

Tarryl Shaking Hand

Tarryl Clark goes on the Attack

August 10, 2012

A campaign that thinks it’s ahead doesn’t air last minute negative ads. But neither does one that’s way behind

Tarryl Clark smiling

Primary Prediction Contest

August 10, 2012

You could win a LeftMN t-shirt, and who wouldn’t want that?

Mike Parry

A Look at the Congressional Primaries

August 9, 2012

There are two big congressional primaries on Tuesday, an intimate two-way affair and a wide open three-way

Kurt Bills Hates Babies

The Weekly Wrap 8-5

August 5, 2012

Another fundraising deadline and some Republicans trying to game the public financing system

Minnesota State Capitol

Which primary races are for real?

August 2, 2012

With fundraising numbers in hand, we take a look at which primary races will actually be races

Minnesota State Capitol

Primary races set for the state legislature

June 7, 2012

The filing period for legislative candidates has ended, so we now know everyone who is in. Candidates do have until 5pm tonight to change their minds and withdraw their names from the ballot, and if such a thing happens I’ll update the spreadsheets to reflect the change. As of right now there are 44 total […]