The Wit and Wisdom of Michele Bachmann (Part 2) (reprise)

September 14, 2012

Experience the wonder of Michele Bachmann

The Wit and Wisdom of Michele Bachmann reprise

September 11, 2012

The SS Bachmann is listing, to starboard, naturally

Jim Graves

Michele Bachmann finds herself in an actual race

September 11, 2012

The second internal poll released by the Jim Graves campaign shows him only two points behind Representative Michele Bachmann

LeftMN Radio Hour

LeftMN Radio Hour 8-12

August 12, 2012

This week Eric Pusey from the Minnesota Progressive Project joins us to discuss the big news of the week and look forward to the primary elections on Tuesday

LeftMN Radio Hour

LeftMN Radio Hour 7-22

July 22, 2012

Aaron Brown of, gives us his impressions of the debate between Tarryl Clark, Rick Nolan and Jeff Anderson

Michele Bachmann preaches

The Weekly Wrap 7-22

July 22, 2012

Michele does what Michele does, haters do what haters do and Tony Sutton does what Tony Sutton does

Pile of Cash

Fun with Graphs of Money

July 18, 2012

Some pie charts and bar graphs to help visualize the money

At long last, Michele, have you no shame?

July 16, 2012

Raising money with Tail Gunner Joe

Joe Mauer at All Star Game

The Weekly Wrap 7-15

July 15, 2012

The fundraising reports start coming in for the second quarter, which has nothing to do with the above picture of Joe Mauer

Michele Bachmann's mean face

Michele Bachmann under 50, Jim Graves 5 points back

June 27, 2012

OMG! Michele is under 50%!! She is definitely going to lose this time… right?

The Madness of Michele Bachmann

June 18, 2012

She’s meaner and crazier than you thought

Michele Bachmann's mean face

Is Michele Bachmann vulnerable?

June 12, 2012

The absence of an IP candidate this year makes some people think so