2013 Minneapolis Sample Ballot

Responses to selected feedback on my last Ranked Choice Voting post

October 16, 2013

I got a few responses to my previous post on Ranked Choice Voting that deserve to be addressed, so that’s what I’ll do. Starting with: The author here has a few misunderstandings of the process. The Minneapolis rules provide for batch elimination for all the candidates that cannot mathematically win. This will weed out the […]

2013 Minneapolis Sample Ballot

Ranked Choice Voting Question Time: Majority Winner

October 14, 2013

Last week, in a post titled Ask Me Anything: Ranked Choice Voting, I invited readers to ask me questions about Ranked Choice Voting, the system of voting being used in Minneapolis and St. Paul this year. And if you haven’t guessed it yet, this post is where I start answering those questions. This is not […]

Do you like congress or Nickelback better?

The Weekly Wrap 10-12

October 12, 2013

♣ On Monday I posted “Ask Me Anything: Ranked Choice Voting,” in which I invited readers, such as yourself, to ask me any questions they may have about Ranked Choice Voting. Next week I will start answering those questions. It’s not too late to get your question in. ♣ ICYMI, Minnesota’s Sally Jo Sorensen got […]

2013 Minneapolis Sample Ballot

Ask Me Anything: Ranked Choice Voting

October 7, 2013

It’s an election year this year! In the City of Minneapolis that is. St. Paul too, and a few other places, but Minneapolis is where all the serious action is. This is the cities second year with the new Ranked Choice Voting system that was approved by Minneapolis voters in 2006. Despite this being the […]

integrity yo

The Weekly Wrap 10-5

October 5, 2013

Not much happened this week as far as The Wrap™ is concerned (being the persnickety beast that it is, The Wrap™ deals only with, or mostly with, elections news and not process and policy, or lack of process and policy, news) as all of the oxygen in the world of politics is being sucked up […]

Don Samuels

StarTribune polls the Minneapolis Mayoral race, finds no one breaking 20%

September 16, 2013

The StarTribune released a poll of the Minneapolis Mayoral race that shows the following: Pulse Opinion Research (9/15, no trend lines): 1st Choice – Minneapolis Mayor Dan Cohen (I) 16 Don Samuels (DFL) 16 Stephanie Woodruff (DFL) 5 Cam Winton (I) 9 Jackie Cherryhomes (DFL) 7 Bob Fine (DFL) 1 Betsy Hodges (DFL) 14 Mark Andrew […]

tony with flip phone and stash

The Weekly Wrap 8-17

August 17, 2013

A light wrap this week

Capitol steps

The Weekly Wrap 5-25

May 25, 2013

♣ Almost immediately after announcing his support for the now passed into law Marriage equality bill, Joe Radinovich, a DFL Representative from Crosby, faced the threat of a recall. Earlier this week Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Lori Gildea ruled, “not so much.” Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Lori Gildea has ruled that Reps. Joe Radinovich, DFL-Crosby, and John Ward, […]

Diane Hofstede’s visit to Drinking Liberally

April 26, 2013

Talking about the Third Ward in Minneapolis

Scott Dibble

The Weekly Wrap 3-1

March 1, 2013

In which a Marriage equality bill is introduced

Second choice: RCV lessons from 2009

February 5, 2013

One race offers some insights