Stamping out heretics and apostates

July 16, 2018

The auto de fé will occur on the street right after the meeting

Drinking Liberally talks politics

October 8, 2016

Well, even more than usual

Rebecca Otto and Matt Entenza

The Weekly Wrap 7-20

July 20, 2014

♣ There have been a number of developments in the race for the most glamorous political position in the entire state of Minnesota, I’m talking of course about the State Auditor’s race. We’ll start with this ad from challenger Matt Entenza: This ad pretty well encapsulates Entenza’s pitch, which is; “I’m progressive, I’ll be an activist […]

Stewart Mills: choose him for the experience

May 9, 2014

The US Chamber of Commerce has an independent expenditure teevee ad touting Stewart Mills for Congress. If you watch the metro television stations from, say, Northfield, you might conclude Mills is running against John Kline. But you would be mistaken, of course, since Mills lives in the Brainerd area and is running against Rick Nolan […]

Mike McFadden

The Weekly Wrap 4-20

April 20, 2014

Because I’m a terrible, no good blogger, I did not write about the recent SurveyUSA poll that was released concerning the approval ratings of Minnesota’s incumbent Governor and Senator, Mark Dayton and Al Franken. So I will do that in the wrap, as well as touch on other topics of interest to the Minnesota political […]

Who knew, Klobuchar, Franken and Nolan support Polymet mining

March 19, 2014

The idea was conservation by preservation

Pile of Cash

Money Graphs

February 14, 2014

In which the author has fun with graphs (and maps!) of money

Michelle Benson

The Weekly Wrap 2-2

February 2, 2014

♣ End of the year fundraising numbers are in for Minnesota’s eighth congressional district: Nolan, a Democrat, had $298,000 in the bank at the end of December after raising less than $145,000 during the last three months of 2013, according to a Friday filing with the Federal Elections Commission. Mills reported $305,000 on hand, and […]

Al Franken

The Weekly Wrap 10-19

October 19, 2013

♣ Third quarter fundraising numbers are in, but the FEC’s website is still screwed up from the shutdown, so I’m going to crib this info from DailyKos Elections (all monies in thousands of dollars): CD Name Party Raised Self Fund Self Loan Spent CTD CoH MN-02 Mike Obermueller (D) $73 $0 $0 $46 $204 $119 […]


Minnesota’s Congressional Delegation, Syria and 2014

September 7, 2013

[Editors Note: typically I do a Weekly Wrap™ on the weekends. This week I got about 600 words into the first item about the Syria vote and thought to myself (and here’s where the editor’s note goes even more meta), “self, you should just make this it’s own stand-alone post.” So that’s what this is. […]

Hey Ruk! Just look around!

August 27, 2013

The Ruk climbs Brimstone Mountain to see what he can see

Julianne playing cards

The Weekly Wrap 8-10

August 10, 2013

The Wrap™ took a week off last week. There were two reasons for this, 1) there wasn’t much Wrapy news last week and 2) the author was enjoying the summer. The Wrap™ is back this week though, ready to plumb the depths of Minnesota media for elections news and then provide hyperlinks and some snarky […]