Kim Crockett: stochastic terrorist
At the Republican state convention the weekend before last, Secretary of State candidate Kim Crockett featured in her nomination video presentation the cartoon image of philanthropist and liberal George Soros manipulating Democratic election attorney Marc Elias and current Secretary of State Steve Simon as puppets on a string. All three are Jewish. The Jewish puppeteer is an old antisemitic trope.
According to the linked MPR story, the video with the image was reviewed by Minnesota GOP leadership before it was shown to the delegates at the convention. Ho hum, not a problem, apparently.
Then the video with the antisemitic image was shown to the delegates; their only reaction was to endorse Kim Crockett. No one in the rather large room with a couple thousand delegates stood up and called bullshit. Among the people who didn’t call bullshit was party chair David Hann, who later said this:
“I have concluded after talking with Ms. Crockett that the depiction of Mr. Soros was not intended as antisemitic, and that neither Ms. Crockett nor her creative team were aware that the depiction of a puppet-master invokes an old but persistent antisemitic trope,” Hann said.
When you’re a political party chair, you have to be a spear catcher sometimes, I recognize, but Hann is not stupid enough to swallow this. And after his attempt at an explanation, Crockett, in an eff you, Davey move, doubled down on her remarks. You’re welcome, Davey.
NEW: As she hides from the media and public, @KimCrockettSOS sends out a picture sitting by a lake and describes the ongoing controversy about her anti-Semitic campaign video as “contrived and bogus political attacks.” Crockett just negated the @MNGOP’s apology yesterday. pic.twitter.com/rtJOjkDlXx
— Michael Brodkorb (@mbrodkorb) May 20, 2022
The Jewish puppeteer belongs in the same bag of bile and bigotry as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Great Replacement Theory.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was Russian tsarist propaganda; from the Jacobin link:
The urtext which lays out the very idea and format for demonic conspiracies of global domination, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, called a “warrant for [Jewish] genocide,” first emerged as part of a larger text by the Russian mystic Sergei Nilus entitled “The Great within the Small and the Antichrist, an Imminent Political Possibility. Notes of an Orthodox Believer.” First serialized in Saint Petersburg newspaper Znamia in 1903, it was repeatedly reprinted thanks to the tsarist secret police, the Okhrana, as part of a propaganda campaign in the subsequent decade. This forged document was introduced to Berlin as early as 1919, through Colonel Fyodor Vinberg’s radical right-wing publication Luch Sveta (Ray of light), and then to the United States, in 1920, by Boris Brasol, who provided the assist for Henry Ford’s Americanized version, published as The International Jew. Brasol, a future Nazi agent and member of the German American Bund, was a former tsarist prosecutor for the Ministry of Justice who had served the last major blood libel case in modern European History, that of Mendel Beilis in Kiev in 1913.
Regarding replacement theory, consider this from the Southern Poverty Law Center:
The “great replacement” theory is inherently white supremacist. It depends on stoking fears that a non-white population, which the theory’s proponents characterize as “inferior,” will displace a white majority. It is also antisemitic. Some proponents of the “great replacement” do not explicitly attribute the plot to Jews. Instead, they blame powerful Jewish individuals such as financier and philanthropist George Soros or use coded antisemitic language to identify shadowy “elites” or “globalists.”
Reactionaries like the Tsar and, well, Kim Crockett, recognize that the best way to deflect the attention of the rubes is to point a finger at somebody else. And the Jews, especially if they are bankers or liberals — or horrors, both — are always convenient.
Crockett’s trope is that Jews manipulate the voting booth; they do so to permit unqualified voters to vote, including a lot of illegal immigrants and brown people. She has already told us that Somalis in St. Cloud are not from Norway. Hint, hint.
Bilious and poisonous conspiracies find purchase from time to time, and replacement theory is a raging infection in the Republican party. It’s why nobody at the convention stood up and objected to her depiction of Soros, Elias, and Simon. Because they all think it’s true.
The infection is hardly benign. It animates homicidal maniacs, as Jeff Sharlet points out in a recent article in Vanity Fair. After each act of domestic terror animated by replacement theory nonsense, the animators all say “mentally-unbalanced lone wolf.” (I especially commend Sharlet’s piece, by the way.)
As Sharlet says, though, the individuals may act alone but they’re connected, and they are. They are connected with social media, rhetoric, and manifestos, such as the one that the Buffalo shooter wrote, amplifying the previous shooter’s hateful rhetoric, and providing how-tos about guns and tactical gear, like they were giving advice about filling a tackle box for fishing.
There is a randomness about who acts next, but there is an inevitability about it, too.
It’s why Kim Crockett, Elise Stefanik, and Tucker Carlson, and legions like them, are stochastic terrorists.
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