Pile of Cash

Money Graphs

February 14, 2014

In which the author has fun with graphs (and maps!) of money

Mark Dayton and Tina Flint-Smith

The Weekly Wrap 2-9

February 9, 2014

♣ Last week current Lt. Governor Yvonne Prettner Solon announced that she will not be running for re-election to her post in 2014. Since than, and even before, there was much talk of who would be tapped to replace her on the ticket. Early this week Governor Mark Dayton revealed his choice: Gov. Mark Dayton […]

Michelle Benson

The Weekly Wrap 2-2

February 2, 2014

♣ End of the year fundraising numbers are in for Minnesota’s eighth congressional district: Nolan, a Democrat, had $298,000 in the bank at the end of December after raising less than $145,000 during the last three months of 2013, according to a Friday filing with the Federal Elections Commission. Mills reported $305,000 on hand, and […]

Debra Kiel

Top 10 most vulnerable Minnesota house Republicans

January 29, 2014

There will be an election later this year. At the top of the ticket will be races for United States Senate and Minnesota Governor, as well as the three other constitutional offices in Minnesota; Secretary of State, Attorney General and Auditor. And of course all eight of our United States congressional seats will be subject […]

Collin Peterson

The Weekly Wrap 1-26

January 26, 2014

Fundraising numbers continue to roll in, so that will be the bulk of the focus for The Wrap™ this week. ♣ Minnesota’s Representative of the seventh congressional district, one Collin Peterson, announced his fundraising haul for the last period of 2013. That number is $165,000, with $357,000 cash on hand. Peterson has been the subject […]

Yvonne Prettner Solon

The Weekly Wrap 1-19

January 19, 2014

♣ In a move that was shocking to pretty much no one, Lt. Governor Yvonne Prettner Solon announced on Monday that she will not be part of the DFL Gubernatorial ticket in 2014. The question now is who will join the Dayton re-election ticket. And while I have no idea who that will be, there […]

Kurt Daudt

The Weekly Wrap 1-12

January 12, 2014

It’s that time when politicians running for office release their fundraising numbers, so that will be the majority of what appears in The Wrap™ this week. ♣ First up, State Senator Dave Thompson: State Sen. Dave Thompson of Lakeville, one of six Republican candidates for governor, said his campaign raised more than $120,000 last year […]

The United Watershed States of America

The Weekly Wrap 1-5

January 5, 2014

♣ Minnesota State Senator John Pederson has dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination for the sixth congressional district. Said Pederson: The bottom line is the schedule that the campaign demands is something that we weren’t willing to be able to invest in at this time. So… he didn’t realize that a campaign […]

Keith Downey

The Weekly Wrap 12-22

December 22, 2013

♣ It’s that time of year, where the retirements of incumbent legislators start coming in bunches. Already this year Rep. Michael Paymar (64B) and Rep. Andrea Kieffer (53B) have both announced their retirements. And Rep. Mike Benson (26B), who is running for the GOP endorsement to take on Tim Walz in Minnesota’s first congressional district […]

Karin Housley on a van

The Weekly Wrap 12-15

December 15, 2013

If you’re wondering why The Weekly Wrap™ is now being published on Sunday, when it had been published on Saturday for awhile, and before that it was published on Friday for a time. The answer is, simply, that The Weekly Wrap™ leads a leisured lifestyle wherein these types of things are not a concern. Time […]

David Gerson

The Weekly Wrap 12-8

December 8, 2013

♣ St Cloud State University, as they do in the fall, released a poll conducted of Minnesota to find out what we think of some of our elected officials. Below, the results: SCSU (12/2, no trend lines): How would you rate the overall performance of Mark Dayton as Governor? Would you rate his performance as […]

Axl Rose

The Weekly Wrap 11-23

November 23, 2013

♣ The Minnesota Jobs Coalition, the intrepid dark money group started by friend of the now-defunct LeftMN Radio Hour, Ben Golnik, released a polling memo, let’s take a look: Tarrance Group (11/21, no trend lines): Do you think Minnesota’s U.S. Senator Al Franken has done a good enough job to deserve re-election, or is it […]