Jim Graves

The Weekly Wrap 4-13

April 13, 2013

♣ Yet another Some Dude business type (the other being Scott Honour) has indicated that he might be running against Al Franken in 2014. Mike McFadden of the firm Lazard Middle Market has been meeting with political consultants and Republican Party leaders to talk about a possible run. The MNGOP really doesn’t have much of […]

Tim Kelly

The Weekly Wrap 4-5

April 5, 2013

♣ Mike Obermueller is getting company in his effort to unseat Minnesota second congressional district Representative John Kline: Sona Mehring, a political newcomer who founded the CaringBridge website, which connects the ailing with their loved ones, said Monday that she plans to run in Kline’s Second District. So does Mike Obermueller, a former state lawmaker […]

Minneapolis Mayoral Debate Participants

The Weekly Wrap 3-29

March 29, 2013

♣ Michele Bachmann find herself in the news once again, this time not for things that she said, but rather things that she did or didn’t do on her way to finishing sixth in the Iowa caucuses: The Daily Beast has learned that federal investigators are now interviewing former Bachmann campaign staffers nationwide about alleged […]

Sample Ranked-Choice Voting Ballot

Instant-runoff Voting: When I drank the Kool-Aid

March 25, 2013

I’m going to be writing a lot about instant-runoff voting in the future, because the city of Minneapolis will be using it this year for just the second time, and more importantly, there is an open Mayor’s seat that will be contested using the system. This election year then will be the first big test […]

Shelly at CPAC

The Weekly Wrap 3-22

March 22, 2013

Minnesota’s very own Michele Bachmann is the subject of much of the Wrap this week

Marriage Equality Rally

The Weekly Wrap 3-15

March 16, 2013

Marriage equality passed out of committees in the Senate and House this week

Mason-Dixon y u no poll good

Mason-Dixon: Y U NO POLL GOOD

March 14, 2013

With The Minnesota Poll back in the game and with Mason-Dixon retained as the polling firm responsible for it, I thought it would be worth it to finish a post that I started in the aftermath of the election, but never actually got around to completing. The post concerns the really bad, terrible, and downright […]

Gov. Mark Dayton

The Minnesota Poll, Dayton sees approval drop

March 12, 2013

In yet another installment of their multi-part Minnesota Poll, the StarTribune, along with their polling partners Mason-Dixon, tested Governor Mark Dayton’s job approvals. After a whole series of issue questions, these are the first horse-racey questions they’ve released, so let’s take a look. Mason-Dixon (3/10, 9/23/12 in parenthesis): Do you approve or disapprove of Mark […]


The Weekly Wrap 3-8

March 8, 2013

This week featured the formation of a part red part blue caucus, the discovery of election fraud in Minnesota and Norm Coleman bowing out of running in 2014

Marriage Equality Rally

The Minnesota Poll, here we go again

March 6, 2013

I spent a good portion of my last post on the Minnesota Poll discussing the issue of question wording and how it can effect the results of polls. This post will be similar. Mason-Dixon (3/5, no trend lines): Minnesota state law currently bans same-sex marriage. Do you think the state Legislature should or should not […]

Gov. Mark Dayton

The Minnesota Poll, back in action

March 4, 2013

The Minnesota Poll, sponsored by the StarTribune and since last cycle conducted by Mason-Dixon, was released over the weekend. It’s been almost a month since we’ve had new public polling data concerning Minnesota, so let’s get right to it. Mason-Dixon (3/2, no trend lines): Do you support or oppose applying a lowered sales tax rate to […]

Scott Dibble

The Weekly Wrap 3-1

March 1, 2013

In which a Marriage equality bill is introduced