A Cat Ponders the Universe

The Weekly Wrap 1-4

January 4, 2013

The Wrap is back in action after a much needed break

Maya Art

The Weekly Wrap 12-21

December 21, 2012

Today is the end of the world. Sort of. Not really, but it’s fun to joke about right?

Marjorie Holsten Capitol Pig

The Weekly Wrap 12-14

December 14, 2012

Twitter lists, candidates for Republican Party Chair and the DCCC are featured in this weeks wrap

Paul Thissen speaks at microphone

Marriage Equality in 2013: The In-between Representatives

December 11, 2012

[Updated: The original version of this post contained erroneous information about Representative-elect Roger Erickson’s voting record. As an incoming representative, he has no voting record on the amendment in question.] I started this series of posts, this post being the third in a series, with a post that introduced the series and discussed its purpose. Generally that’s what you do with […]

RT Rybak

The Weekly Wrap 12-7

December 7, 2012

In which I am on the Very Important Twitter People List and Aaron and Steve are not

Darts in a dartboard

Pollster performance in Minnesota in 2012

December 5, 2012

Last week I discussed 2012 election polling in Minnesota on a macro level, how all the polls did in the four statewide races. In that post I did not get into how specific pollsters fared against each other, that is what’s happening in this post. Some individual pollsters did a really good job in Minnesota […]

Tom Bakk

Marriage Equality in 2013: The In-between Senators

December 3, 2012

In the post The electoral implications of Marriage equality, I wrote the following: Let’s assume that DFLers representing districts that voted against the amendment will likely vote for Marriage equality. And let’s also assume that Republicans representing districts that voted for the amendment will likely vote against equality. If we assume these two things, than […]

Kriesel for Governor?

The Weekly Wrap 11-30

November 30, 2012

Two recounts happened this week and changed nothing. Also, rumors of 2014 dance in peoples heads.

Darts in a dartboard

Polling performance in Minnesota in 2012

November 29, 2012

A look at how the polling did in predicting Minnesota election outcomes

MNUnited Victory Party

Marriage Equality in 2013: The Overview

November 26, 2012

The beginning of a series looking at the chances for Marriage equality in this session

Mark Dayton pardons a Turkey

The Weekly Wrap 11-23

November 23, 2012

Ballots get tossed out in a house race and the 2014 rumor mill is already kicking into gear

Mary Franson - Bob Cunniff

Mary Franson – Bob Cunniff outcome even less certain now

November 19, 2012

The unofficial results of the November 6th elections currently have avatar of mumpsimus Mary Franson clinging to a one vote lead over challenger Bob Cunniff in the Minnesota House district 8B race. As I discussed previously, a one vote lead is a tenuous position to be in with a recount looming. Well, that analysis may all be […]