DFL CD8 debate tonight!

August 6, 2012

Watch it here

Kurt Bills Hates Babies

The Weekly Wrap 8-5

August 5, 2012

Another fundraising deadline and some Republicans trying to game the public financing system

Glahn hauls it in

August 3, 2012

Bill Glahn pictured on Libertarian TeeVee

Minnesota State Capitol

Which primary races are for real?

August 2, 2012

With fundraising numbers in hand, we take a look at which primary races will actually be races

Spam Town, USA

Better Know a Senate District: 27

August 1, 2012

Rich Murray might be the most endangered Republican in the house

Micro Cassette Recorder

The Weekly Wrap 7-29

July 29, 2012

It’s a light wrap this week, highlighted by the deepening spat between CD1 GOP rivals Allen Quist and Mike Parry

Blaine City Hall

Better Know a Senate District: 37

July 25, 2012

Senator Pam Wolf faces ex-Rep Alice Johnson for the Senate seat

Paul Thissen

The rest of that SurveyUSA poll

July 24, 2012

Obama loses ground, A-Klo still crushes and Paul Thissen looks like the next Speaker of the House

Dont Panic

Rule Number One of Hitchhiking and Poll Watching, Don’t Panic

July 23, 2012

I woke up Saturday morning only to immediately be confronted by the gnashing of garments and rending of teeth over the seemingly impossible results of the new SurveyUSA (KSTP) poll on the hatin’ on marriage amendment. There must be something wrong with the poll right? I mean, the last two polls, one by PPP and […]

Michele Bachmann preaches

The Weekly Wrap 7-22

July 22, 2012

Michele does what Michele does, haters do what haters do and Tony Sutton does what Tony Sutton does

Pile of Cash

Fun with Graphs of Money

July 18, 2012

Some pie charts and bar graphs to help visualize the money

MN Supreme Court

Photo Voter ID Hearing at the Minnesota Supreme Court

July 17, 2012

The hearing before the Minnesota Supreme Court on the Photo Voter ID amendment, a topic that we covered in our very first episode of the LeftMN Radio Hour, is today at 1:30 in the PM. The outcome of this hearing (and we won’t know that for a few weeks) could mean that the amendment gets […]