Sitting around the campfire singing Kumbaya

August 3, 2018

A letter in the Strib on August 3, 2018: To my dear fellow Democrats, especially those who wrote the Aug. 2 letters with such disdain for the DFL Party and U.S. Sen. Tina Smith: Time to check your purity and single-issue politics at the door and draw attention to the issues that unite us. Look […]

Richard Painter for U.S. Senate

July 30, 2018

August 3rd: Now with important updates

Banking on the gullibility of voters

July 26, 2018

Senator Tina Smith has been busy backing and filling on her first legislative initiative, the odious “Smith Amendment” attached to the National Defense Authorization Act that would have lept over the courts and the pesky litigants suing PolyMet and the Forest Service over a proposed land swap. I suspect that Sen. Smith knew the deal […]

Stamping out heretics and apostates

July 16, 2018

The auto de fé will occur on the street right after the meeting

Mark Osler on Richard Painter

July 9, 2018

Mark Osler is the Robert and Marion Short Professor of Law at the University of St. Thomas. Professor Osler is a nationally-recognized expert on sentencing disparities and the effective and humane use of clemency and the presidential pardon power in criminal law. He manages a clemency clinic at St. Thomas where students and staff assist […]

The perils of insularity and tribalism

June 23, 2018

I’m talking to you, Democrats

The Annals of Muffing It

June 13, 2018

Last Friday, June 8th, Tina Smith pulled the most odious stunt of her admittedly short senatorial career. I am reluctant to call Tina Smith a senator because she never won the job in an election. She is an incumbent in only the most jocular sense. When she was appointed to the job by Governor Dayton, I […]

Richard Painter speaks at Drinking Liberally

June 6, 2018

Thursday, June 7th at the 331 Club

What color are your herring, part two

May 28, 2018

Read part one here. You should, for context. According to the Lakeshore Weekly News, a couple of organizing groups want to stage a parade and rally in support of gun control measures in Excelsior to be held on July 14th. Not so fast, says Excelsior City Attorney Kevin Staunton. The city is worried about crowd […]

Children aren’t a special interest group, Eric

May 25, 2018

Trying to rejigger the Separation of Powers

Latest Spotty ™ winner has read Charles Dickens

May 25, 2018

Maybe we should consult the Ghost of Christmas Present

What color are your herring?

May 20, 2018

Somebody might not get to see her dying mother. An ambulance might not be able to get through. A protester might get hurt. These and others are all reasons supporting the Elk River Republican Nick Zerwas’ bill to treat protesters blocking freeways more harshly than other violators. The scolds on the Strib’s editorial board are […]