Typical School Lunch

No lunch for you!

February 12, 2014

There was a story in the news recently that goes something like this: When a 12-year-old Texas boy went to eat breakfast this week at his middle school a cafeteria worker took away the meal and tossed it in the trash — all because his meal account was 30 cents short. This didn’t happen in […]

Mark Dayton and Tina Flint-Smith

The Weekly Wrap 2-9

February 9, 2014

♣ Last week current Lt. Governor Yvonne Prettner Solon announced that she will not be running for re-election to her post in 2014. Since than, and even before, there was much talk of who would be tapped to replace her on the ticket. Early this week Governor Mark Dayton revealed his choice: Gov. Mark Dayton […]

If only PolyMet knew now what it knew then

February 4, 2014

One of the very best ways, my friends, to evaluate what someone says is to see what s/he said before. We’ll get into that in a moment, but first a brief reprise of things written here previously. I have written before, on a couple of occasions, about PolyMet’s hopes and dreams for the flow of […]

Michelle Rhee

Cheaters sometimes win

February 3, 2014

The heartwarming tale of a woman who overcomes her past as a cheater

Michelle Benson

The Weekly Wrap 2-2

February 2, 2014

♣ End of the year fundraising numbers are in for Minnesota’s eighth congressional district: Nolan, a Democrat, had $298,000 in the bank at the end of December after raising less than $145,000 during the last three months of 2013, according to a Friday filing with the Federal Elections Commission. Mills reported $305,000 on hand, and […]

The DNR’s cold comfort

February 1, 2014

You shouldn’t worry, because they have it covered!

Company Men

January 30, 2014

Those fellows in the suits want you to cede a lot more than just your time.

The great DNR tent revival show

January 29, 2014

Came to RiverCentre on January 28th

Debra Kiel

Top 10 most vulnerable Minnesota house Republicans

January 29, 2014

There will be an election later this year. At the top of the ticket will be races for United States Senate and Minnesota Governor, as well as the three other constitutional offices in Minnesota; Secretary of State, Attorney General and Auditor. And of course all eight of our United States congressional seats will be subject […]

Words designed for eating

January 28, 2014

The water model is a joke

Collin Peterson

The Weekly Wrap 1-26

January 26, 2014

Fundraising numbers continue to roll in, so that will be the bulk of the focus for The Wrap™ this week. ♣ Minnesota’s Representative of the seventh congressional district, one Collin Peterson, announced his fundraising haul for the last period of 2013. That number is $165,000, with $357,000 cash on hand. Peterson has been the subject […]

Talk to the experts!

January 25, 2014

But who are these experts, anyway?