Eat your veggies; it’s good for the earth

February 19, 2018

How your diet affects the Earth, an article in the Sunday, January 14th, StarTrib describes the results of a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of the United States of America (PNAS) on December 19, 2017. In general, the environmental impact of one’s diet has not been considered when governments establish dietary […]

David Goldstein endorses Carolyn Jackson for House District 49A

February 16, 2018

Former Edina schoolboard member David Goldstein endorses Carolyn Jackson as DFL candidate to run against the incumbent Dario Anselmo, particularly for her knowledge about education issues. David Goldstein endorses Carolyn Jackson for House District 49A from LEFT MN on Vimeo.

Ron Way endorses Carolyn Jackson for Minnesota House District 49A

February 15, 2018

Edina resident Ron Way, a former official with both the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, endorses Carolyn Jackson for the DFL endorsement for House District 49A. Ron Way endorses Carolyn Jackson for House District 49A from LEFT MN on Vimeo. The campaigns that Ron refers to were the successful efforts […]

Reports from the hustings in 49A

January 29, 2018

There are, fundamentally, a couple of ways to run for office. One way is to demonstrate experience, a deep knowledge of policy, and a commitment to issues that voters find important. The other way is to run a popularity contest. Regrettably, the second way sometimes wins. I was beaten for the president of the fifth […]

Carol C. White wins the coveted Spotty ™

January 27, 2018

There is a new section in the Strib called Inspired. Last week, it featured a story about a local effort to ship books (new and used, fiction, non-fiction) to Africa. The group has done an impressive job; it won’t surprise you to know it’s called Books for Africa. There was something that nagged me a […]

Carolyn Jackson for House District 49A

January 23, 2018

Who is the best DFL candidate to run against first-term incumbent Republican Dario Anselmo this fall? If you go to Carolyn Jackson’s campaign website, you can read the endorsements of people who know and have worked with Carolyn and can attest that she is someone who gets things done. I provided one of them. Here […]

Katherine Kersten’s gift to Edina for Black History Month

January 22, 2018

“We must be tolerant of intolerance,” says the CAE’s Katherine Kersten

Thinning the presidential timber

January 9, 2018

It’s really self-thinning

Stephen B. Young is Katherine Kersten in drag

January 7, 2018

And I can prove it. Just read this. Now that Katherine Kersten doesn’t appear in the Strib so often, Young is it go-to guy for turgid polemics about American decline. His op-ed piece on Sunday the 7th of January (in the paper edition) was an epic vent-a-thon and an avatar for the genre. Before continuing, […]

White flight, racial covenants, and sundown town

November 5, 2017

Carpet bombing with racism

Suck it up, boys

November 1, 2017

“Quite Frankly” Sutter’s husband spouts off

Longing for the days of Jim Crow

October 31, 2017

Charles and Tanner take Katherine Kersten to the woodshed.