
Wondering what just happened in Washington?

October 18, 2013

Oh, it ain’t so funny, if you ain’t got the money, in moneyland..

GOP can’t keep markets out of the tank for more than 5 years.

October 17, 2013

Why does the market crash every 5 years when the GOP has the White House?

CSPAN and things that go bump in the night

October 17, 2013

Tip O’Neil takes on the midnight empty chamber innuendo of Newt Gingrich

Tea Party Shutdown Intermission

October 16, 2013

Tea Party Congressional Caucus takes a crisis break until January

A template letter for those represented in Congress by a Republican

October 15, 2013

A Wisconsinite gives voice to the government shutdown, a template for the progressive mind

Letter to the editor MN CD 2 electorate will never see

October 15, 2013

John Kline, votes to shut down government over the debt he voted to create

Dover – the deepest water in America

October 10, 2013

The shutdown is somebody’s fault, blame who you will, but NEVER EVER should Dover close again.

Cradle to grave – a progressive’s garbage

October 10, 2013

“If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.”
― Eldridge Cleaver

Now showing in the press near you

October 9, 2013

*Hint: The correct individual didn’t publicly promote an ill conceived amendment and has proven not to be a lackey.

Dear John Boehner, l’audace de l’audace et encore de l’audace

October 9, 2013

Stop the cartoons John, they’re making fun of your leadership

The Fall of Miss Saigon

October 7, 2013

Tomorrow night there’s going to be a protest against the touring production Miss Saigon. Miss Saigon has been around for over two decades and raked in millions, the two biggest reasons the Ordway is choosing to bring in the show. There’s just a tiny little problem:  the show is a non-stop jingoistic glorification of racist/sexist Asian […]

If Catholic money talks, Nienstedt walks

October 7, 2013

Nienstedt has the mitre, but the parishioners have the cash