What’s the latest “exploratory drilling” up north all about?

November 18, 2023

“Exploratory drilling” can be manipulated

20.6M too many dollars for the Musk mine

September 30, 2023

Should be a big fat zero


About that Musk mine – Part 2

June 28, 2023

It’s on


More and more batteries don’t need much metal

May 10, 2023

And the trend will continue


MN lege: A new effort to protect the BWCA

January 14, 2023

This one could get somewhere


Twin Metals looks to be a goner

February 23, 2022

A gentleman does not “gloat,” but certainly I was pleased to see this (and I have plenty of company): About three weeks after President Joe Biden’s administration canceled two federal mineral leases near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources says it has stopped work on the state’s environmental review […]


It’s past time for PolyMet/Glencore to just give up

May 2, 2021

But they won’t.


More underhanded crap from the sulfides-heads

January 18, 2021

These rules changes have been in the works at the Minnesota Pollution “Control” Agency for a while. It’s all getting a legal review, now. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) wants to avoid enforcing water quality standards that control pollution from mines, coal plants, and other polluters! MPCA has proposed rules to deregulate Minnesota mining […]


MN-08: Ditching Rep. Stauber, Part 3

October 28, 2020

From an email I got from the Quinn Nystrom campaign: When (Rep. Pete Stauber) said about COVID-19, “Predominantly the people who succumb to this disease are seniors or folks with pre-existing conditions” Quinn responded: “Every single person’s life is valuable in this district.” Audio of the phone-in debate, hosted by MPR last Friday, is here. […]


Emmer, Stauber dinged in Twin Metals lawsuit

September 9, 2020

I’ve added some new polling of the state.


MN-08: Ditching Rep. Stauber, Part 1

July 18, 2020

I live in MN-08, though so close to its south boundary that if I was literally less than a half-mile south of where I’m sitting at my desk right now I’d be in MN-06. Which would in a way make this easier, because Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN-06) is, given his obnoxious, arrogant demeanor, and the […]


Twin Metals gets slapped back

June 26, 2020

At least, I hope that’s how we can interpret this. Minnesota environmental regulators have published nearly 800 comments on the Twin Metals plan to build a copper-nickel mine just outside the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northern Minnesota, deeming the company’s project proposal “incomplete.” The state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) says it needs […]