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The Weekly Wrap 7-13

July 13, 2013

After a week off, the Wrap returns to do it’s Wrap thing

Dave Thompson

The Weekly Wrap 6-29

June 29, 2013

♣ In news neither shocking or new at this point, Kurt Zellers last Sunday announced that he will in fact be running for Governor of Minnesota. This brings the total number of white male Republican candidates for Governor to three. ♣ Also not shocking but a little bit more new: Senator Dave Thompson also announced he […]

Zellers as Deer in headlights

The Weekly Wrap 6-22

June 22, 2013

Zellers to announce, Abeler, Benson, Hilstrom get in and Schiff gets out

Tony Petrangelo at Drinking Liberally

The Weekly Wrap 6-15

June 15, 2013

More Republicans, and even some Democrats, pile into MN-6

Jim Graves

The Weekly Wrap 6-1

June 1, 2013

Michele Bachmann announces her retirement and GOPers run one way, DFLers run the other

Gov. Mark Dayton

Mark Dayton slides

May 24, 2013

His approvals are down, but he maintains healthy leads on a number of possible opponents

LeftMN Radio Hour

LeftMN Radio Hour 3-24

March 24, 2013

Our guest this week is Stealing Home podcaster David Temple talking with us about the Minnesota Twins

Shelly at CPAC

The Weekly Wrap 3-22

March 22, 2013

Minnesota’s very own Michele Bachmann is the subject of much of the Wrap this week


The Weekly Wrap 3-8

March 8, 2013

This week featured the formation of a part red part blue caucus, the discovery of election fraud in Minnesota and Norm Coleman bowing out of running in 2014

Gov. Mark Dayton

Mark Dayton looking good for re-election

January 24, 2013

In which the title writer gets lazy

Kriesel for Governor?

The Weekly Wrap 11-30

November 30, 2012

Two recounts happened this week and changed nothing. Also, rumors of 2014 dance in peoples heads.

Paul Thissen speaks at microphone

The Weekly Wrap 11-9

November 9, 2012

What a week. As a reminder, you can check out all of the Minnesota results in detail at the LeftMN Election Results page(s). And now, on to the The Wrap™. ♣ The new DFL majorities have already elected their leadership. It comes as absolutly no surprise that Tom Bakk has been elected Senate Majority leader […]