The DNR and PCA don’t deserve a pass from the Supreme Court

July 25, 2020

Important cases are pending before the Minnesota high court

Linert & Timmer v. MacDonald

October 15, 2017

The deets and some thanks . . .

Let the sun shine in

September 8, 2016

There have been multiple calls recently for some sunshine on the PolyMet permitting process before the Department of Natural Resources. Sunshine would take the form of appointing an administrative law judge from the Office of Administrative Hearings who would hold hearings on the permit to mine. A record would be made — a public record — and […]

Hit ’em where it hurts

December 21, 2014

It is reported in the Strib that the DFL thinks an ethics complaint ought to be filed in the Minnesota Senate against Julianne Ortman because of the offers of money by her campaign manager — one of which was accepted — to two other candidates, also seeking the endorsement for the U.S. Senate at the Republican […]

Matt Entenza

The Weekly Wrap 6-15

June 15, 2014

KSTP/SurveyUSA released a poll last week that I will address in a future, standalone, post. In the meantime, The Wrap™ is here to scratch your Minnesota politics itch. ♣ Matt Entenza, candidate for state Auditor, filed a complaint this week against the incumbent Auditor, Rebecca Otto, with the Office of Administrative Hearings claiming that she broke […]

Sample Ranked-Choice Voting Ballot

Today in completely bogus camfi complaints

November 2, 2013

Legal frivolity

Minnesota State Capitol

Little things mean a lot

May 28, 2013

In campaign finance law, that is

Angela Berger actually wrote

April 5, 2013

While the sirens of the Speech Police wailed in the background

CCM v. RPM: the hearing II

April 3, 2013

The airing of the Great Shenanigan

CCM v. RPM: the hearing I

April 2, 2013

The end of a long and winding road?

The Office of Administrative Hearings & the Campaign Finance Board

March 14, 2013

Adventures in administration

Mark Ritchie

Ritchie 2 for 2 against Republican Senators

November 2, 2012

Republican attempts to muzzle Secretary of State Mark Ritchie were dealt a second blow Thursday when an administrative law judge in the Office of Adminstrative Hearings (OAH) dismissed a complaint filed by Senators Mark Newman and Mike Parry. The complaint alleged that Ritchie had lied about the photo voter ID amendment, used his office for […]