Kind of pithy remarks on the 2021 MN lege
First of all, “pithy,” which means having substance and point, contains an element of sarcasm, here. My record, when it comes to any kind of politics-related prognostication, is, in a word, wretched.
The best thing is that I am comfortable suggesting that the DFL caucuses in both houses can legitimately be termed “progressive,” and that that is most excellent indeed. Whether or not a whole lot gets done – and it probably won’t, this year – that bodes well.
Republicans currently hold 34/67 Senate seats, vs. 31 DFLers after the antics of the Mutineers. There were shenanigans yesterday – the first day of the session – as they desperately try to make sure to hold on. Though I’ve seen no serious chatter about AKlo being offered a Biden cabinet post.
Of course there will be a great deal of obnoxious, extremist grandstanding from wingnuts. I’m not going to try to predict, now, whether it will likely lead to a budget “stalemate,” one or more special sessions, and/or state government shutdowns. The Georgia Senate election results at least improve the odds of states getting some federal money to counteract the hits from the pandemic.
As always my own top concern is public school funding. Probably about the best we can realistically hope for this year is that it at least keeps up with inflation.
A bunch of Party of Trumpers showed up maskless. Because so many right-wing politicians honestly have no comprehension of when all they are accomplishing is making ridiculous fools of themselves. Though that’s ultimately on the voters, in those red districts that keep sending their village idiots to deal with the laws and policy that we all have to live with.
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