MN SD57 Town Hall Bleating by Wills and Mack

June 24, 2014

The children of Aaron speak

From the mouth of an Iraq veteran

June 24, 2014

What the neocons wrought.

Get more from UMore – A UofM tragedy unfolds

June 23, 2014

Another in the money gets what money wants series

Michelle, that’s another fine mess you’ve gotten us into

June 23, 2014

After a recent meeting at the Council Oak (the tree, not the restaurant), the RPM executive committee announced, as it relates to the state convention’s endorsement of Greg Wersal wannabe Michelle MacDonald for Minnesota Supreme Court: “Regardless of anyone’s individual opinion on these issue, in a party which respects the rule of law and the constitution, […]

Immigration matters

June 20, 2014

From Darfur to Durham, NC

Mark Dayton and Al Franken

Two new polls paint different pictures of Minnesota races

June 18, 2014

Two new polls of the two big races in Minnesota this fall have come out, well, one of the polls is from last week and I’ve just now come around to write about it. So it’s new to these electronic not-pages. I’ll start on the Gubernatorial side and begin with the most recent poll from […]

Rebecca Otto

Can’t people change their minds anymore?

June 18, 2014

As website sidekick Tony reports here and here, former Minnesota House member and former (and future?) candidate for governor, Matt Entenza, is challenging incumbent State Auditor Rebecca Otto in the August primary. The issues Entenza raises, at least so far, are primarily Otto’s ten-year-plus-old votes on opposing gay marriage and on photo voter ID when she […]

Rep. Phyllis Kahn speaks at Drinking Liberally

June 17, 2014

Thursday, June 19th, 7 PM at the 331 Club in Minneapolis

Matt Entenza

The Weekly Wrap 6-15

June 15, 2014

KSTP/SurveyUSA released a poll last week that I will address in a future, standalone, post. In the meantime, The Wrap™ is here to scratch your Minnesota politics itch. ♣ Matt Entenza, candidate for state Auditor, filed a complaint this week against the incumbent Auditor, Rebecca Otto, with the Office of Administrative Hearings claiming that she broke […]

No wind energy in Old Dixie

June 14, 2014

The only thing that blows in Dixie are the politicians

It might be cheaper than mining

June 13, 2014

An alternative thought on Polymet mining

Rebecca Otto

Minnesota Primary Elections, annotated

June 13, 2014

Statewide Races This is by no means an exhaustive listing of all primary elections that will be taking place in Minnesota. Some of the primaries taking place feature perennial candidates or otherwise not serious candidates and are not listed here. Rather, this is a listing of the primary elections actually worth paying attention to. GOP […]