Octogenarian question

June 12, 2014

A question of significant events

Iraq crumbles, so send our best and brightest

June 11, 2014

Bush and Cheney have all the answers, send them

Made in Minnesota

June 11, 2014

Alliant Tech Systems improves the kill ratio for land mines

What’s this old world coming to, things just ain’t the same…

June 10, 2014

Finally, a possible browning in the suburbs

This little piggy…

June 10, 2014

John Kline and life on the government tit

Baal and the children of Aaron

June 10, 2014

Follow the money doesn’t begin to explain it all

Mohamud Noor speaks at Drinking Liberally

June 9, 2014

Thursday, June 12th at the 331 Club

But Doug, Tripp Emmer has a father

June 9, 2014

And he’s a traditional values conservative, too!

Andy Dawkins

The Weekly Wrap 6-8

June 8, 2014

The filing deadline has now passed and I will be posting a list of all the primary races, with analysis, next week. Until then, the Wrap™ will keep you company on this beautiful weekend day. ♣ Former DFL state legislator Andy Dawkins announced that he will be running for Attorney General under the Green Party’s […]

Garofalo keeps foot in mouth

June 7, 2014

Poor Pat, he just doesn’t get science

Those darn kids are just in over their heads

June 6, 2014

And kids, get off our damn lawn

Photo ID in North Carolina

June 5, 2014

Voter suppression in North Carolina