No, YOU’RE going to hell!

March 11, 2014

Reining in the schoolyard evangelists

Open mouth, insert foot

March 11, 2014

As the Greeks said, “Even fools have mouths”, or shall we say tweets?

Why always the threatening imagery GOP?

March 9, 2014

Does a persistent tendency to threaten constitute a psychological problem?

Alcohol, the real gateway drug

March 5, 2014

Does your employer have a witless drug and alcohol policy?

You didn’t just say something that vacuous Hann, really, did you?

March 5, 2014

Sen. Hann says an incredibly stupid thing

Al Franken

Al Franken leads all comers

March 4, 2014

I posted yesterday about a new SurveyUSA poll concerning the election for Governor of Minnesota happening this fall. This post today concerns the portion of that poll that deals with the election for United States Senate happening in Minnesota this fall. Like the Gubernatorial portion of the poll, the Senate portion matches up the incumbent […]

The Invaders

March 4, 2014

Which is which?

Branden Petersen learns his lesson

March 4, 2014

And learns it very well

Gov. Mark Dayton

Mark Dayton is in the pole position

March 3, 2014

A couple of weeks ago now the StarTribune released the results of their Minnesota poll. That poll showed Governor Mark Dayton with his highest approval ratings (58 approve, 29 disapprove) since he became Governor back in 2011. There is now confirmation that Mark Dayton is in an excellent position for re-election with the release, by […]

Pam Myhra

The Weekly Wrap 3-2

March 2, 2014

The legislative session began this week and already a bill has been passed by both houses and signed by the Governor. That bill will pump $20 million into the states Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which was running dangerously low on funds due to a shortage of propane. Also this week legislators learned that they […]

The Mistress of Troubling Signs is back!

February 28, 2014

Beware teh Gay!

Uh, Minnesota, about that bag you’re holding, part two

February 25, 2014

Last time, I promised more information about the State of Minnesota’s gaping holes in its regulatory scheme for sulfide mining. I hinted at one of them: inadequate provision for protecting the public — not just the state — from the harm of mining activity. Before continuing, however, I feel compelled to point out some of the vessels […]