A judge wins a Spotty ™!

October 5, 2015

For his thoughtful Strib op-ed essay on reinvigorating public trust in the judiciary, the Honorable Kevin S. Burke, a judge of the District Court in Hennepin County, wins the coveted Spotty™ award. Evidence of the low regard in which judges and the judiciary are held is all around, and it’s been particularly evident in remarks by Republican […]

Technically, Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott should be disbarred

July 15, 2015

In June, the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution protects the right of same-sex couples to marry and that states are required to issue them marriage licenses. Yet many public officials have publicly encouraged people to break the law. Among them are attorneys, such as Texas governor Greg Abbott and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz. They […]

Stamping out pockets of resistance

June 27, 2015

Please see the recent update 10/4. From the majority opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges, the gay marriage decision: The nature of injustice is that we may not always see it in our own times. The generations that wrote and ratified the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment did not presume to know the extent of freedom […]

Lots of Shareholder Value

The Weekly Wrap 2-23

February 23, 2014

♣ Another Minnesota legislator has announced her retirement: Longtime Republican state Rep. Mary Liz Holberg, a conservative leader on privacy, budget and other issues, announced Saturday morning that she would not run for a ninth term. Holberg represented house district 58A, centered in Lakeville. 58A is an R+11 district according to hPVI, so most of […]

We can expect a Prop 8 decision any day

June 17, 2013

And St. Thomas law professor Teresa Collett is on pins and needles. The Supreme Court may — probably will — find a way to overturn Prop 8 without the nationwide consequences that Collett is so worried about. N.B. This is a repost of a video done earlier this year. Update: And the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal […]

Sore Loser

June 2, 2013

She has her hate to keep her happy

Photos from the Capitol on the historic day of the House vote

May 10, 2013

On marriage equality, that is

Chris Kluwe at Vote No

The Weekly Wrap 5-10

May 10, 2013

It was a big week in Minnesota politics as we found out that Gay Marriage will soon be legal

Marriage Equality passes in the house

Marriage Equality passes in the House

May 9, 2013

Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak, Rep. Ryan Winkler, Sen. John Marty, Former Speaker Margret Anderson Kelliher, Rep. John Persell and Vic Rosenthal talk about the Minnesota House of Representative’s vote to legalize gay marriage in Minnesota.

Minnesota House Live Stream

May 9, 2013

Updated with video of marriage equality protesters

Fritz Knaak

Fritz Knaak is often called a bigot

May 9, 2013

But he totally isn’t one!

Paul Thissen speaks at microphone

Gay Marriage Prognosticating, House Edition

May 7, 2013

On Thursday the Minnesota House is expected to vote on HF 1054, the Gay Marriage bill. According to Tom Bakk, the Senate will follow shortly after: House DFL leaders plan to bring a bill to legalize gay marriage to the full floor on Thursday, expressing confidence that they have secured votes to pass the proposal […]